Engage Nutrition Accelerate anyone?

Just wondering if anyone has heard of this supplement before or have tried it. Not sure how I came across it, just Googling around for an energy/focus supplement. It's a lot cheaper than some of the other ones I saw and seems to have better ingredients (although I'm not a complete ingredient wizz).

It looks like it would help out a lot with focus and energy which would be good for me while at school, and possibly something I would take before working out.

The ingredients list looks solid to me, but I was just looking for some more opinions before I decide if I want to give it a try or not.

I can't add the link, but just google it and it comes up
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You having problems with energy and focus? Can we assist you in some fashion?

I didn't bother to look, cause' I have a good summation on what it may contain.

Best wishes,

Yea, not necessarily problems. Just looking for a healthy energy/focus alternative to stuff like NO mainly for the gym. A lot of my friends take similar crap with outrageous amounts of sugar, caffeine, and who knows what else. Was thinking this might be a better alternative. Maybe not as "intense", but at least a lot better for me. And if by chance I find something good I can take outside the gym too, even better.
NO products don't do anything for focus/energy. it IS the caffine in those products that gives you pep and some focus (along with Placebo™)