Sport Energy Drinks

Sport Fitness
How many of you "fit" people drink these so called "energy drinks", such as Red Bull, or Rockstar, etc...? I see these teenagers at the gym drinking these things after a workout all the time. I've read the labels on these things, and from what I can see, they have tons and carbs, and more importantly, tons and tons of sugar. I'm sure these drinks give those who drink them a boost of energy due to the carbs, suger, and caffiene, but it seems to me that they can't be good for you. To me, it's like drinking a couple cans of Pepsi or Coke, which everybody knows isn't good for you. What do you people think about these so called "energy drinks?"
hey stan

Well i defentiely wouldnt, if thats the best you can do after a workout than your not trying hard enough. i Dont mind em with alcoholic beverages though ;)
Those energy drinks seem to try to satisfy humankind's need for the "magic bullet", or the "magic pill", "magic drink", just add anything after magic.
Overpriced can of flavored caffeine.
IMO you dont need energy if you are eating and sleeping correctly. There are many sugar free/carb free drinks but they still contain the chemical "poisons" that many people overlook. I'm more into herbal energy personally.

Could it be possible that my body does not respond to caffiene? Because I never get a "kick" from energy drinks.
I am the person that originally created this thread. I myself don't consume energy drinks. Like I said before, I think they are the same, or even worse than drinking a soda. But I do consume caffine in the form of black coffee in the mornings. Just one 16 ounce mug. It does wake me up and get me going, but I'm aware that it doesn't provide nutriution. But considering black coffee has 0 calories or next to zero calories, I don't see a problem with it, as long as it's not consumed excessivly. But these damn energy drinks have 50+ grams of sugar and 50+ grams of carbs. These things are being promoted as healthy drinks, when in reality they arn't any better than a Pepsi. They actually have a Rockstar energy drink machine in my gym. (Lifetime Fitness) They charge $2.50 for a can of this stuff. I'm absolutly sure that there are some ignorant people in the gym are buying this stuff and drinking it, thinking it's good for them. It's sad that a place that promotes fitness sells something that is so bad. I feel sorry for a lot of the obese people in the establishment that get done with their workout and are heading out the door and purchase one of these cans of sugar thinking it's a healthy drink. I'm not saying obese people are stupid, but from my observations, they just haven't been taught about food, and whats in it.
just becuase it doesnt have much calories (even if not consumed excessively) doesnt mean its good for you, nor doesnt have any drawbacks.
just becuase it doesnt have much calories (even if not consumed excessively) doesnt mean its good for you, nor doesnt have any drawbacks.

If what your talking about is black coffee, your completely right. But I choose to drink it anyway in moderation. I don't believe a moderate amount of black coffee in the morning is going to effect anybodys general fitness. A lot of professional body builders drink black coffee regularaly, if you didn't already know that.
oh know i agree i doubt it would affect the general fitness, but then again i dont think it would benefit, and some poeple would be better of without it.
I drink Red bull sometimes, before long cardio workouts such as an hour and 30 minutes of basketball. I do limit it as well. I really don't use it for lifting weights or anything.
Now that I think of it....

I dont know what sweetener Red Bull uses for their sugar free version...