Energy Drinks


New member
I've heard a lot about how energy drinks are bad for you and you should never drink them in conjuction with exercise. But, I've noticed with the example of Redbull that is claims to stimulate the metabolism. There are low calorie versions of energy drinks that only have about 5 or 10 calories per serving. Could these drinks taken in moderation, say instead of your morning cup of coffee aid weight loss?
You are right, there are MANY claims that Energy drinks (Monster, Rockstar, Redbull, Redline, 5-hour energy, Amped, Ballz, ad infinitum) are bad for you.

I personally drink Monster Absolute Zero. I have never like coffee. I am 30 years old, and have been drinking energy drinks for 11 years (that's my qualifier). People will tell you the taurine can cause siezures (witch it can in high levels), and the caffeine content is 10 x that of coffee (which it is not). Monster (16oz) has about 160mg of Caffeine. Am 8oz cup of coffee can have between 150-300mg of caffeine, and nobody drinks 8oz. For me, it boils down to enjoyment, I don't enjoy coffee, I do enjoy Monster.

In terms of boosting metabolism, strictly speaking, caffeine alone can contribute to a boost in metabolism. If you are drinking a calorie-free energy drink, like Rockstar 0, etc., there is little nutrition, but the caffeine will boost your heart-rate for a period of time, thus causing you to increase your calorie burn... boost your metabolism however.. ehh, unlikely (could be true, but I can't find any studies)... again, really boils down to preference.
I drink coffee, and I don't know much about energy drinks (I rarely have them, mostly as a study aid), but I'd advise caution with exercise. Sometimes when I go to the gym I start to feel really bad during the workout (dizzy/ faint/ depleted of energy)- and while I think there are other causes, one thing that does it every time is having coffee before I go to the gym.

Just take things in moderation and keep an eye on your health.
I remember having a relentless energy drink before playing badminton and it was a bad idea! I felt really faint and dizzy.

I can understand why people take energy drinks, but i prefer to get natural energy from food before a workout. Carbs are best for this (veg, brown rice, brown bread etc)

There is also Gatorade/powerade which can be used. I think these are safer, as they replace the vital vitamins and minerals lost when your body becomes dehydrated during a workout. However, they are quite pricey! For a fraction of the price, you can make a sports bottle with diluting juice / squash and water and a pinch of salt, this will help you with depleted vits and mins.