'ello everyone!


New member
ahh, this is what i've been looking for... thank god for google.

i've been trying to lose weight for what seems like forever. without much success. i know eating the way i do is not the way to go and yet i still do it.. simply because omg but that cookie looks so good! and i rarely have time to exercise.

i've been heavy all of my life. pictures of me when i was 5 or 6 show me as a chubby little kid. the only trouble was .. i was also tall for my age. so not only did i tower over everyone else in my grade (or even in my school), but i was also twice as wide. both of my parents were big, both grandmothers, aunts.. uncles .. cousins.. my entire family is big. i am no exception. i just never did anything about it. i never changed my eating habits, never tried to exercise more - nothing. until now, for i am determined to change.

i've got a few obstacles i need to work through. for instance, my work schedule keeps me from having a lot of free time during the day. working the graveyard shift at a nursing home doesn't make for a very happy, eager-to-go-jogging me in the mornings or afternoons. i sleep when i get home from work, wake up in the afternoon/evening, shower & get dressed, then i'm back at work again. my job itself should be enough exercise with all that i do, but it doesn't help much in my weight loss goals. or at least, it has yet to.

it also puzzles me that i never really actually eat all that much and yet i still never seem to lose anything. i live in an apartment with my roommate (and my roommate's family might as well live there with us, too.. :(), and we both use every last penny we earn for bills and rent. i never have much money to go grocery shopping (and more often than not, if i do buy some groceries, healthy or not, my roommate's family gobbles it all up) and if i do, i can never actually afford *gasp* vegetables or things that are actually good for me. instead it's ramen noodles. i typically eat at work once i get here, at night, and usually .. the food here isn't all that healthy. so i never eat much of it, just enough to keep me going, and i suppose that's still pretty bad. eating once a day, something that's not good for me.

though, i have lost about 5 pounds or so in the past 10 days. and for that i am thankful, but it's only the beginning (of a very looooooong road). what i really need now is the motivation to find the time in my backwards day to exercise and to make the right choices when it comes to what i eat and when i eat it. some help in finding what works for me, and some tips to keep doing it. and, of course, the support it'll take to get me through it. old habits die hard. :cool:

so, hello everyone. it's lovely to meet you. from what i've read in these forums so far, all of you are wonderfully nice and very supportive. hopefully i can be the same for the rest of you and we can share in our triumphs together!
Welcome to the site!
Hi & welcome! It's time to get one of those mini fridges to put in your room with a lock on it!!! Many veggies & fruits are quite cheep...just find what is in season and not the 'premo' types of fruits & veggies. You can do this!
thanks you two. :)

and bep - i would have to chain it up, hide it under by bed, and bolt it to the floor along with putting a lock on it. lol.
howdy and welcome