Elliptical Sprinkles Black Dust

We have an elliptical machine which sprinkles black dust on the machine itself and the floor mat. We are now very concerned because it's basically tiny particles of metal that we end up inhaling while breathing heavy on the elliptical.

We'd like to know if anyone else is having the same concern. Also, which brand do you find to be the best elliptical maker?

My treadmill sprinkles black particles off the back so it's all just particles off the treadmill belt. Can you tell where the particles are coming from?

From what I have read Precor makes really good ellipticals but they are pretty expensive. I have also read many good reviews about Smooth and Sole brand ellipticals. I just purchased a Sole E25 and I am really happy with it. It does not have a lot of built-in programs but I don't really care about that.
You should get it checked because if they are Iron Filings then it could be a result of the machine coming out of allignment and if it is the longer you use it the worse it is going to get and the more expensive it will be to fix it.