Elle's Diary

Princess Elle

New member
Your diary — How it works

The diary is an invaluable aid in reaching your target-weight. Putting your goals in writing will motivate you tremendously in achieving them. That’s the success secret of weight-loss groups — and what works in these groups will work just as well on the Internet.

Try the following tips:

1. Answer these questions before starting your diary.

How much weight do you want to lose?

-- What is the timeframe for reaching your target weight?
How do you want to accomplish your goal?
I am doing the Curves work out at least three times a week but up to 5 times a week
I also am undertaking a eating plan from an obisety clinic from Lethbridge AB, in which you are required to eat Breakfast, Lunch, Midafternoon Snack, Supper. You also must eat 5 servings of Carbs, 5 servings of Vegtables (cooked), 3 servings of fruit, 3 servings of milk, 3 servings of protien and 3 servings of fats or sweets. There are also unlimited foods

Who or what can support you in reaching your goal?
My boyfriend, the girls at the gym, myself.

How realistic is your goal?
Very, i feel that it will not make me too skinny to be unrealistic, and i will be healthy again

When will you start?
Monday February 13th

This weekend will be devouted to figuring out some meal plans that I will be able to take to work, going grocery shopping and psychologically getting myself ready for this, as well as breaking it to my boyfriend what i am doing, though i am sure that he will be more than willing to help me reach my goals as he just wants me to be happy.

I have to stop emotional eating and eating outta bordem. I know that that is half of my problem. So i figure that I will take up some sort of handy craft to sit and do while I am watching tv and what not so that I don't automotically reach for food. I don't think I have a lot of emotional stuff going on right now so that should rule the emotional eating at least I hope so. Time will tell for sure

I have to be more diligent about gong to the gym now that i go by myself. i use to go with my roommate but now that i am living in a different city it is kinda hard to make myself get up and go and the girls here are not the same as at my old gym which is also taking some time to get use to, but i gotta do it at least three times a day if not 5 and find something to do on the other two of the week because the program requires at least 20 minutes of physical activity in a day so i may go and find like some plitates work out dvd or something that is something i will have to do this weekend as well! Maybe as for it as Valentine's day present...ya maybe that is what i will do!
Catch you all later!
Welcome and best of luck!
I'm looking forward to your posts.