It sounds like you are looking for a way to relpace electrolytes lost durring exercise.
First of all, it is my experience that ALL sports drinks are garbage. They are loaded in toxic substances that are documented as gastrointesinal irritatnats... so, long story short... I dont care how much sugar/calories are in this stuff it will make you fat.
GI irritants activate Viscero Somatic Inhibitaion which means that your abdominal muscles will be inhibited by the inflamation in your colon!
You are designed to drink water and nothing but water. The issue with most waters is that they are void of any nutritional substance and it is highly toxic due to environmental dumping and subsequent processing of the H2o.
"So what the heck should I do, Elliott?"
Drink artesian water with a PPM of 300 or higher. Brands that fit or come close to that are Evian, Volvic, Fiji and Vittel. Also, add a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt to your water. This is a natural means for adding back some of the essential minerals that is necissary for assimialtion of the water.
A few more tips: 1. drink your water at room temp 2. sip all day long 3. drink 1/2 your bodyweight in oz. daily 4. avoid distilled water 5. read Your Body's Many Cries For Water by Dr. F Batmangehligh (im sure its spelt wrong)
Elliott Hulse "The Primal Guy"