Sport Eggs..

Sport Fitness
what is the best type of egg too eat for breakfast.. scrambled.. etc.. and is it really that bad if you eat the whole egg?
Here is one recent URL for the eggwhite vs eggyolk debate
I would go for fried or boiled...thats a matter of personal taste and preference, I have no clue which is the most healthy. I guess fried may not be very healthy but...oh well, I like it.
thanks that helped a lot.. i think im pretty sure im eating fried eggs.. and i just need to know if those can be bad
I absolutely love eggs. During the week, I'll be good and eat boiled eggs. For every 4 thatI eat, I'll eat only one yolk. But about once a month I'll treat myself to eggs the way my Dad used to make them....fried in bacon grease. :D
I've always been an egg lover, but I think if you're going to fry them, watch out for the nutrition on the oil.