Weight-Loss Eggs -- what's up.



New member
I love eggs and I'd consider them healthy. They're full of protein and the best part is they're so cheap! But eggs used to be considered unhealthy, I guess because of the cholesterol. So, I'd like to know how often I can safely eat eggs and how many? Did I mention I love eggs, so I will eat them daily if prompted.

And what about the cholesterol-free egg substitute? It's a little more expensive, but could I eat that every day?
The cholesterol free egg products I think are just as good as real eggs, protein wise, however, i find when you cook them they get a really gross looking film in the pan - so the ziplock freezer bag method of cooking is the easiest way to go (there's a recipe in the recipes forum for it)

Regular eggs are high in fat, but I will often make a meal with 1 whole egg and 2 -3 egg whites... and oodles of vegetables - makes for a nice scramble or fritatta..

As long as you aren't eating a dozen eggs a day - inmoderation, tey're perfectly fine
I just eat egg whites now- for an omelette I nomally use 4.

Calories 17
Total Fat 0.1g
Cholesterol 0mg
Sodium 55mg
Total Carbohydrates 0.2g
Sugars 0.2g
Protein 3.6g
eggs often become a staple of my diet, especially when money is tight (often get 2 dozen for a buck around here). though i really should say that about egg whites, since it is the yolk that contains the fat and cholesterol. however, the yolk is good in moderation, since about half the fat is good fats, and as a male i do need some saturated fats (linked to the production of testosterone, or something like that).

generally, i just hard boil by the batch (couple dozen at a time) each week, and then i have a quick and easy source to add protein or fat if i need it throughout the week. i have found that hard boiling is the easiest method of seperating whites from yolks, and it is just about the only method i know of for storing them ready-to-eat.
When it comes down to any food scare, it has to be down to the individual to choose what to do. For myself, I love eggs and they are part of my weekly diet. I hard boil them, and snack on them - they are great little parcels of protein suitable for the lunch box. I usually shop for organically fed free range hen's eggs. I also sometimes eat lambs liver, and I eat lots of seafood (even tuna!) - thats my choice.


The above link is an argument that I have read a number of times. Ok, it could be the argument promoted by the poultry industry, but its one that I personally accept with regards to food cholesterol. A number of studies have apparently suggested that consuming food cholesterol does not increase levels of blood 'bad' cholesterol for most people who have a healthy lifestyle. In fact, there seems to be some evidence that it can have the adverse effect. HOWEVER, it can apparently make things worse for those who are genetically prone to high cholesterol. The best tactic is to get your blood cholesterol levels checked each year, and to seek medical advice if you have a family history of cholesterol problems.
I usually shop for organically fed free range hen's eggs.


l. A number of studies have apparently suggested that consuming food cholesterol does not increase levels of blood 'bad' cholesterol for most people who have a healthy lifestyle. In fact, there seems to be some evidence that it can have the adverse effect.

HOWEVER, it can apparently make things worse for those who are genetically prone to high cholesterol. The best tactic is to get your blood cholesterol levels checked each year, and to seek medical advice if you have a family history of cholesterol problems.

For the most part I agree. Especially in the buying organic aspect.
Though, From science of todays times. It is speculated that Saturated fat, Trans fats, and Lack of exercise are FAR bigger contributers to High LDL Cholesterol then specifically the high cholesterol in the foods. Generally a food high in cholesterol is high in Saturated fats and possibly trans fats. Of these three possible dietary contributers, The cholesterol it self is the LEAST of your worries.

Eggs time and time again have been shown to have VERY little to NO affect whatsoever on blood cholesterol levels. If you are one of those who have a genetic discrepancy to have High LDL and or low HDL. there are FAR better things you can do through diet and exercise then cutting out the highest quality of protein next to mothers milk. Even so, With that in mind it would be wise for a person with a genetic predisposition to remain under two-three whole eggs a day in precaution. anymore and one should think about eating the whites only. At least until finally rules in the subject one way or another.
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Does anyone hard boil eggs and then just eat the whites and throw away the yolks (or maybe eat one yolk for every 2-3 eggs)? I like the whites the best when hard boiled... do they have a lot of protein by themselves?
Does anyone hard boil eggs and then just eat the whites and throw away the yolks (or maybe eat one yolk for every 2-3 eggs)? I like the whites the best when hard boiled... do they have a lot of protein by themselves?

The protein itself is split about 55-45 yolk to white. The fat is about 99% in the Yolk itself.
When people refeer to just eating egg white, do they just throw the egg yolk away?

If this is true, i think its such a waste :/
When people refeer to just eating egg white, do they just throw the egg yolk away?

If this is true, i think its such a waste :/

give the egg yolk to the dog or cat, it makes their coats all shiney.

Or use it to wash your hair - just be sure to rins with cool water otherwise you have to pick out the scrambled eggs..

you could always make a nice custard from the egg yolks :D

Souffles are mostly egg whites - so it's really no big deal tossing out the egg yolk :)
You can buy egg beaters in a carton, which is egg whites with vitamins and stuff added. No need to throw anything away then. :) A little more difficult to hard boil though. They're actually yellow too, and I haven't tried it yet, but they probably make decent scrambled eggs.
If you have space in your yard, get a couple of laying hens. You don't have to have a noisy rooster to get eggs. You can have three or four quiet hens and they will give you eggs all week long.

I love my chickens!

My family had chickens growing up (lots of space for them to roam), and it was very nice always having fresh eggs. We even had some of the Araucana chickens that lay light blue/green eggs. The rest laid brown eggs.
[Squall];259494 said:
How bad is cleaning out the hen house?

It is not bad at all.
Every three months or so, we throw them out in the yard (we have a pen for them too, so if we don't want them free-ranging, they just go out in the pen) and open all the doors and windows. Then we clear out with shovels and scrapers. It takes about an hour for two of us (but we have twenty hens.) Generally, most of the poop is confined to the floor (they don't poop in their laying boxes.) We then do a quick "rinse" with a bleach/water solution (a cup of bleach to 3 gals water - you don't need much) and lay down some new sawdust and straw.

Daily maintenance is simply changing water, putting out compost scraps (they can eat almost any food scraps you throw away), feeding them grain and corn, and collecting eggs. If they range (generally they do on weekends during the day) we just open the door to the pen so they can go out.
It is not bad at all.
Every three months or so, we throw them out in the yard (we have a pen for them too, so if we don't want them free-ranging, they just go out in the pen) and open all the doors and windows. Then we clear out with shovels and scrapers. It takes about an hour for two of us (but we have twenty hens.) Generally, most of the poop is confined to the floor (they don't poop in their laying boxes.) We then do a quick "rinse" with a bleach/water solution (a cup of bleach to 3 gals water - you don't need much) and lay down some new sawdust and straw.

Daily maintenance is simply changing water, putting out compost scraps (they can eat almost any food scraps you throw away), feeding them grain and corn, and collecting eggs. If they range (generally they do on weekends during the day) we just open the door to the pen so they can go out.

Thanks for that great description! Rep+ :D
Can you eat TOO many eggs per day?

I hope this is in the right forum.

I decided to have an omelette this morning. I loved it so much I had one again for dinner. I've had a total of 4.5 eggs today.

Is this too much? Does it matter how many you have? Is there any bad things to come out of eating so many eggs?
Is it a good idea to make your omelette bigger by using whites instead of yolks?

I've had 4 yolks and 5 whites.