Sport Eggs for meals

Sport Fitness
Are eggs a good choice for meals in between meals?

I'm trying to find the best food to eat for the meals in between normal meals. Though I worry if I eat too many eggs cholesterol will be an issue.

I need ideas for eating at 10:30 and 3:30. I figure eggs are good since I can boil them in the morning and bring them to work.

i was thinking something like 2 eggs and carrots.

Any suggestions?
a sandwich
yogurt with fruit and nuts :D
Eggs are fine to eat, the dietary cholesterol they contain doesn't transfer directly into blood cholesterol.
I take about 8 eggs a day to snack on while at work
Thanks guys.

I use to do nuts but they are a little on the expensive side.

Natural yogurt with organic granola was something I was thinking about, but the sugar content is high.

I think I'll alternate between sandwiches and yogurt maybe.
Are nuts really that expensive in the US? I seem to remember Tony mentioning the price of them before. The 200g bag of peanuts I'm eating cost me 21p (40cents)
Eggs are fine to eat, the dietary cholesterol they contain doesn't transfer directly into blood cholesterol.

Blood cholesterol response to added dietary cholesterol varies.

This study:

found that 5/8 of its sample were hyporesponders (low or negative blood cholesterol response to added dietary cholesterol), but the other 3/8 were hyperresponders (significantly increased blood cholesterol after added dietary cholesterol).
Why won't you try this one:

Fat-free yogurt with fruit and a sprinkle of nuts.

Get another serving of dairy without saturated fat as well as antioxidants from fruit and unsaturated fat from the nuts.
Blood cholesterol response to added dietary cholesterol varies.

This study:

found that 5/8 of its sample were hyporesponders (low or negative blood cholesterol response to added dietary cholesterol), but the other 3/8 were hyperresponders (significantly increased blood cholesterol after added dietary cholesterol).

I assume that the reason we are afraid of our blood cholesterol raising is because we don't want to become atherogenic.

from the study:
Male hyporesponders did not experience an increase in LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) or HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) during the egg period, whereas both lipoproteins were significantly (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.05, respectively) elevated in hyperresponders. Although the LDL/HDL ratio was increased in male hyperresponders after the high cholesterol period, the mean increase experienced by this population was still within National Cholesterol Education Program guidelines. Furthermore, male hyperresponders had higher lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase (P < 0.05) and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (P < 0.05) activities during the egg period, which suggests an increase in reverse cholesterol transport. These data suggest that additional dietary cholesterol does not increase the risk of developing an atherogenic lipoprotein profile in healthy men, regardless of their response classification.

everything in italic is my emphasis.

the word atherogenic is important here:
ath·er·o·gen·ic (th-r-jnk)
Initiating, increasing, or accelerating atherogenesis.

atherogenesis is basically the formation of crap in your blood vessels.

so the study actually concludes that eating cholesterol is not determinal for atherogenesis regardless of if you were hyper -or hyporesponder

So even if 3/8 did get higher blood cholesterol, the study didn't find that those 3/8 got a significantly higher risk of increasing their atherogenesis.

I'm not saying that proves anything, in the discussion it is mentioned that the results might be because of the subjects. What I'm saying is, you'd have to use a different study as a source for saying that eating a lot of cholesterol is dangeoraus for those of us unfortunate enough to be hyperresponders (Not saying that is what you are saying, but it seems like you hint at it. Regardless of if this is what you are saying or not, I felt it was important to bring up the conclusion of the study)

If I have missunderstood anything, please let me know.
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2 eggs = 12grams of protein. Not nearly enough for a meal or snack unless you're a woman who's only about 4'6" tall.

otherwise you need more protein, shoot for 20grams per meal/snack...roughly 100-120g a day
2 eggs = 12grams of protein. Not nearly enough for a meal or snack unless you're a woman who's only about 4'6" tall.

otherwise you need more protein, shoot for 20grams per meal/snack...roughly 100-120g a day

And 10g fat :D Throw in some raw veggies and thats a nice snack