First off GOOD LUCK, I had smoked off and on for about 5 years and it was hard to quit. Things that helped me out were prolbably number 1 was having support from my girlfriend, mom, and friends, tell them to NOT LET YOU SMOKE, make sure the people you are around know your qutting and ask them if they are going to smoke try to not do it around you or if they are smoking leave the area. With the work enviorment I used to work construction and I know exactly what you mean it is the hardest thing to do especially when the entire crew I worked with smoked we would always take breaks and stuff like that. The day I quit was the day I started a new job workin at a restaraunt so that made it easier being inside. Going to the gym helped me also once I started to work out again the desire to smoke went away. Also take a look at your cycle, do you always smoke after you eat, or when you are in a car, and things like that if you identify the triggers that make you think of smoking or want a cigarette it will be that much easier to remind your self not to smoke. And last but not least just like everything else in life take it one step at at time, dont over do it if you think you cant quit cold turkey dont but set limits and golas, say no more than X amount a day and when you have that many put your pack away or whatever makes it easy for you. Also find something to replace a cigarette, toothpicks and gum worked well for me, having something in your mouth to compinsate for the cigarette not being there. Hope this helps a little I know its long and I hope it makes sense lol. Good Luck