It does depend on your diet, however to give you as detailed as possible of an answer lets look at it like this.
Lets say your ratio of fat intake is 30% of your diet. Really shouldn't be higher then that.
Lets look at our fat sources (average things people eating a clean diet get fat from)
Lean meats
olive oil
then random stuff like avacodos and such.
So lets say you are shooting for 30% fat. In this scenerio we will say you need 50 grams of fat. That is 450 calories in a day from fat.
Lets say that nuts, meats, dairy and oil take up 40 grams of your fat. Well then you can get your fish oil/flax seed (i would choose fish oil myself) to make up the rest of those ten grams.
See what I am saying, it all depends on your days diet. Now I eat alot of omega added products like my peanut butter, whole eggs, bread and cooking oil and butter. I use alot of smart balance products. So I only need an extra 4-5 grams a day from fish oil and I usually just throw it in my daily shake. I use the actual oil, I keep it in the fridge and just measure out the small amount I need. If I have a day where I didn't get alot of fat from other things then I use more.
So determine where you need it in your diet. If you are not getting any omega, I think 5-15 grams of omega fats is a good amount to get for someone i your calories range. Because you want to make sure you have enough room for getting your fat from actual food sources as well. Remember its a suppliment, and a great one, but doesn't beat out the real thing. Eating alot of fish is even better