Sport Edamame. How did I miss this?

Sport Fitness
Hey guys, I just picked up some dry roasted edamame at Costco. These things are really good and great for you.

130 calories per serving
14g p
10g c
4g f
8g of fiber
No cholesterol
8 essential amino acids

I highly suggest you pick some up. There are 27 servings and it was only 6 bucks. Nice to get some soy protein in my diet also.
i read that it lowers your sperm count.
in that case what isle are they in. less sperm means less babies for me!

but in all seriousness, how much truth is there behind that?
or is it like the MT. dew myth with sperm count? (in order for mt.dew to lower your sperm count, i believe its something like you must drink your body weight of it or at least a ridiculous amount of it, and by that time i think sperm count is ganna be the least of your worries.)
not trying to be rude just wondering if theres much research behind that to back up the reduced sperm myth.
edemame is soybeans, still in the pod (sorta like snow pea pods).

the research is still up in the air on soy. per current research, I still avoid soy for the most part.

all the research contradicts itself, so I'm not downing soy like crazy. Women are probably ok on it, but men....not so much.

and a lot of people get bloated/gassy on soy.
The research I have seen on soy for men frightens me a bit so I don't eat it very often. Lower sperm count doesn't bother me but the lowered libido and testosterone in your blood and high phytoestrogens in the food I can do without.
i read that it lowers your sperm count.

This is inaccurate statement. The research was done by Massachusetts School Board and they asked 99 men how much they consumed. Then proceeded to measure the concentration of sperm count. Now the men that consumed more soy had more volume per ejaculation so their concentration was lower. The total sperm count was pretty much the same per ejaculation.

Thought that I share since I just read this from last month's Flex mag.
sperm counts aside, the research on hormone levels and prostate cancer risks (the verdict is still out on both) is why I don't make soy a big part of my diet.

women have less to however...
The research I have seen on soy for men frightens me a bit so I don't eat it very often. Lower sperm count doesn't bother me but the lowered libido and testosterone in your blood and high phytoestrogens in the food I can do without.

This is why its good to eat things in moderation.