ECA Stack

Currently began my cut cycle, with it started taking Ephedra (8mg) and Caffeine (200mg). Local fitness expert suggested I start with 1 Caffeine and 1 ephedra pill TWICE a day. then progress to 1 caffeine and 3 ephedra TWICE a day. So to break this down:

Start with 400mg (2X 200mg) of Caffiene and 16mg (2 X 8mg) of Ephedra.
Progress to 400mg of Caffiene and 48mg (6 X 8mg) of Ephedra. THIS IS FOR ONE DAY.

Is it too much to take 48mg of ephedra for one day????

i won't take any ephedra at all its not proven safe and in the long term is addictive too. i know they banned it here a few years back bc of the side effects etc. so beware and do your research before you take any thing. can i ask why the caffenine?? i'm not sure i get what the benefit is. so maybe you could fill me in.
Accerlate fatloss, i have a few bottles myself. Thinking about taking it early spring but the last time i took a product of that nature i got very anxious and hyper, too much.

Probably a waste of money in my case but i will be trying it one more time.
Every person is different when it comes to ephedra. Heavier people with a higher tolerance to stimulants will use more than those that are lighter and less tolerant.

Ephedra=ma huang has been used for centuries by the Chinese in herbal remedies (usually not alone or by itself though). It was/is in nearly every cold medicine or asthma medication in one form or another (think pseudoephedrine)because it acts a bronchial dialator.

The problem with ephedra or ephedrine is that it can be abused. While some adverse affects were seen with certain ephedra users, like hyper tension, there are very few deaths in relation to this plant in comparrison with medicines like aspirin or Ibuprofin. However, like aspirin, ephedra can be used to help or harm.

Most patients who died and were using ephedra had their deaths linked to ephedra simply because they were using it and the FDA used this as a spring board to bring the "horrors of ephedra" to the public (thank God they're so concerned with our lives and banned ephedra but yet let many other medications go that are incredibly dangerous).

No one should exceed 100 mg of ephedra daily and typically 50 mg spread over the course of the day is more than enough, specially stacking it with caffeine. Oh, and be sure to replenish your adrenal glands (siberian ginseng is a good one).
Wouldnt you rather do it yourself and feel good about your body by working hard.

People that take pills can get a complex where they like the results but start to self medicate, eating less and taking more pills. Just out the effort in. Its really not hard.

Caffieine... Stimulants are borrowed energy, you have to pay it back.

Try ginsing and good old "8hrs sleep"
Except that nearly every truck driver (I've been around quite a few) is taking some form of stimulant. I have yet to see a bunch of "ripped up" truck drivers walking around.

Taking ephedra, caffeine, etc isn't a determination of anything successful by itself. In fact, caffeine and stimulants can lead to a decrease in insulin sensitivity which can lead to the accumulation of fat, so sometimes the stimulants are a hinderance and not a benefit.

I have used ephedra myself to pull through a few very late night portfolio projects that are due this semester before student teaching.

And just because ginseng is natural doesn't mean it doesn't have any negative effects on the body. Ephedra is natural=it's a plant=it's a chinese herb=ma huang. Caffeine is naturally occuring also.
Ginsing is not a stimulant, If taken reguarly it acctually improves the rate that haemoglobin can be made.

Im not saying that there is no place for stimulants, for an instant buzz or late night drive its a handy tool. But For long term use it really can drag you down.

Ive never heard of any negative side effects caused by Ginsing. If you could enlighten us as to what they might be, that would be great.
I didn't say that ginseng had any negative side effects. I'm sorry if the way I worded that came across sounding that way. I will speak with the herbalists at the shop tomorrow when I get to work because I do remember them saying something about ginseng should not be used on a continual basis. But I'll clarify tomorrow.
Yeah Evo, That would be handy, Cos everyone in my family takes it offen. But only as an extract in tea.