Sport Eating when doing a night workout routine

Sport Fitness
Hi everyone,

I'm just getting started with the Body Sculpting Bible's break-in 10 week routine. I'm at week 4 and am already pleased with the results!

I'm a night person who has always been up late, so working out in the morning just hasn't fit with my life. I've found working right last thing right before bed is ideal, I sleep well and never skip a day.

My question is if or what I should be eating for working out at night? I know eating before bed is generally not a good idea, but my body is usually starving.

I've been following my routine with a can of sockeye salmon for protein/good fats plus raw brocolli for complex carbs. I'm not sure this is right, could I have suggestions of what's better?

My goals aren't to get super big, just to get and stay in good toned shape and to have a healthy body.

Thanks for your time and help!
If you're concerned about post-workout nutrition (PWO), what you want is simple carbs, not complex carbs. Gatorade, Surge or any of those high-carb sugary sports drinks are what you're looking for along with your protein. If you're not into the whole sports drink/supplement gig, try eating raisins, bananas or potatoes along with your salmon.
Thanks for responding.

Simple carbs, of course, what was I thinking! I love your suggestions, I will definately add those.

Is salmon a good source of protein or would drinking a whey powder suppliment be better after working out?

So there is no concern of eating right before going to bed? My body wont just store the food as fat?

Thanks again!
Judecca said:
If you're concerned about post-workout nutrition (PWO), what you want is simple carbs, not complex carbs. Gatorade, Surge or any of those high-carb sugary sports drinks are what you're looking for along with your protein. If you're not into the whole sports drink/supplement gig, try eating raisins, bananas or potatoes along with your salmon.

If you're talking about that soda with a crap load of caffine that was popular 4-5 years ago, then i would have to disagree and say stay away from soda.
Workout fuel

Your post workout meal is the most important of the day. 40-50g of protein with simple carbs is best. I simply us a protien shake with oatmeal sprinkled in for the best protein/carb ratio. Also take a multivitamin and an omega complex at this time. If you eat before bed it's better to have a higher protein ratio. You will not gain weight doing this depending on your workouts. If you want to eat before/during a workout use a higher carb ratio (complex carbs this time). Protein takes longer to digest and wont do you any good at this time. You dont need to eat right before or during a workout unless you expect it to be a long one. This is more for an endurance type workout like Tri training etc..In that case you could eat a granola or nutrigrain bar and drink plenty of 1/2 and 1/2 gatoraid. For just a normal pre workout meal eat light an hour+ before workout and drink lost of fluids.
If you are toning you need at least 6 meal a day to kick your metabolism into gear. You will not gain a bunch of weight doing this, it actually has the opposite effect. To enhance this eat a small protein/carb meal in the middle of your sleep pattern when you wake up to pee (from being so hydrated!).
Good discussion, keep it up. And good training!