Sport eating well?

Sport Fitness
Ok I have been eating really bad for the last 1 or so. I am really comitted into becoming really atheltic and a better basketball player. I play basketball alot and have to lose some weight around my stomach I don't have time to workout anymore due to the gym being closed and I have too much stuff to do now. Plus I'm too tired to workout after basketball practice. What are some foods I can consume during the day???

I wake up just early enough to take a shower and leave for school. I never take the time to eat a breakfest witch is really bad I know. I want to eat well so I will become really fit and a better basketball player. By the end of the season I will work out and become really strong and fit for the next season. Right now I'm basicly building up a base for my body. What are some foods I should eat???

I am thinking of

breakfest 7:30 ceral or eggs with milk and a fruit

around 10pm eat an fruit

lunch time 11 - 12 eat ... no idea whats good i know my caff sells bad stuff

1pm prob eat one of those oatmeal bars

3pm what to eat before practice???

5pm at home

sometimes i have basketball at 6-8 so i get home from shool basketball eat and go to my other practice

I would be glad if someone could help me please

I also have a question are chicken burgers healthy? I have a machine at home and I make them daily they taste nice I've tried the maricle whip but dont really like it so just use regular mayo
Stay the f%*( away from mayonase. Seriously.

Anyways, your scheduel seems fine. Know why? Because it is ALMOST the EXACT same as mine. :p

Oatmeal, 1 piece of whole wheat bread, 2 boiled eggs
Snack 1; Fruit
Lunch; Usually a sandwhich
Snack 2; Fruit
Dinner; anything. My mother usually keeps it rather healthy, oddly enough. Either way, I need calories from this meal. :p

I usually have about 120+ oz of water daiy, with about 1.5 litres of milk daily.

Anyways, good scheduel. Good luck.