Sport Eating Right In College

Sport Fitness
I'm a freshmen at NCSU and I seem to be gaining some weight.
I'm not in bad shape, however I dont really like to eat the food they serve in the dining hall, yet that is all I have to eat.
I usually only eat yogurt and cereal, which isnt really making me gain weight, but how good is this for my health?
Everyday I eat about 3-5 bowls of light yogurt with granola, 3 bowls of lucky charms(skim milk), and water with each meal. I try to avoid the fried foods they serve, and I'm not a big fan of salads.
Is this bad for me to be ingesting all of this lactose?
Any advice is appreciated,
I'm a freshmen at NCSU and I seem to be gaining some weight.
I'm not in bad shape, however I dont really like to eat the food they serve in the dining hall, yet that is all I have to eat.
I usually only eat yogurt and cereal, which isnt really making me gain weight, but how good is this for my health?
Everyday I eat about 3-5 bowls of light yogurt with granola, 3 bowls of lucky charms(skim milk), and water with each meal. I try to avoid the fried foods they serve, and I'm not a big fan of salads.
Is this bad for me to be ingesting all of this lactose?
Any advice is appreciated,

Well your not really giving us much of an idea on what you want to do..Like you say your wanting to eat right but what are your goals? Are you doing an exercise routine...Fill us in on some more information

Eating Right in College

Latose is NOT your biggest problem! How about your carb and sugar intake? As a dieter for many years and finally figuring out that not everything is for everybody, there are alot of catros to consider.

First I have figured out you are a guy which means weight loss comes easier then for women. Secondly, go get a nutritionist who can direct you based on your family hisotry, body type and ask the right questions. Lastly, stop eating so much sugar and learn to red your lables before just throwing anything into your stomach. In general, some fruit and veggies would not hurt.

Good luck!
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Just eyeballing your diet for health, you're taking in too much dairy. You're probably getting double the recommended calcium intake you need.

You're getting just enough grains in your system. Your protein intake is covered by the yogurt.

But what about veggies? Jeez. No fruits or vegetables means your getting like zero vitamins. That's not good. Hell, you might end up with scurvy if you continue eating only yogurt and cereal. lol

But, at least you're getting food down.

I'm in my first year of college and I just can't eat. I have zero appetite.

GP told me it could be stress related.

Im the opposite . lol. Im in my first year at a college that isnt in my home town. There is a tesco express down the road which I visit and I try to take my own lunch so im not tempted by the junk food. (Im working on my diet at the moment). Don't surpose you could recomend what I should have in my lunch box as im wanting to gain muscle. Are sandwiches ok? If so what would be best to put in them??
Lactose would only be a problem if you do not produce the enzyme to break it down.

But the bigger concern is that your diet is very limited. Basically, just cereal and milk. And the Lucky Charms are half sugar, which is not good. Granola may or may not be good; many granolas are high in sugar (and sometimes bad fats) rather than whole grains, dried fruit, and nuts. Granola is also quite calorie dense in most cases.

What foods do you like (besides cereal and milk / yogurt)? Any vegetables and lean meats?
Im the opposite . lol. Im in my first year at a college that isnt in my home town. There is a tesco express down the road which I visit and I try to take my own lunch so im not tempted by the junk food. (Im working on my diet at the moment). Don't surpose you could recomend what I should have in my lunch box as im wanting to gain muscle. Are sandwiches ok? If so what would be best to put in them??

Sandwiches are fine if you make them sensibly.

Bread: choose whole grain bread with minimum added problem ingredients (sugar / HFCS, fat (particularly hydrogenated fat), salt -- some sugar and salt is necessary for yeast rising, but far less than is present in many commercial breads). Choose "whole wheat" bread with "whole wheat flour" as the first ingredient, not "wheat" bread with "unbleached enriched wheat flour" as the first ingredient. Note that you can get whole wheat pitas, tortillas, etc. if you want a different type of bread to wrap your sandwiches in.

Fillings: plenty of fillings are good for you:
* Nut butters (without any added hydrogenated oils or sugars).
* Vegetables (lettuce, tomato, onion, peppers, etc.).
* Lean meats that are not heavily processed.
* Tuna (but careful with tuna salad).
* Eggs if you are not a cholesterol hyperresponder.
* Note: mustard has almost no calories of any kind, so it can be used as a condiment without breaking any calorie budgets.

But avoid "empty calories" like:
* Most jellies and jams, which are just empty sugar calories.
* Mayonnaise and similar dressings, which are just empty fat calories.

Things to watch out for:
* Cheese -- high in saturated fat relative to protein content, so be careful if you have high LDL cholesterol.
* Tuna salad, egg salad -- often made with lots of mayonnaise; you may want to consider making your own light on mayonnaise, or with plain yogurt instead.
sorry about the late response.
I am 6'1
180 pounds and about 11-13% bodyfat.
I have a weight lifting class twice a week and wrestle for our club team on two other days of the week as long with running 3 nights a week.
I'm not in bad shape, however i dont want to destroy my body with my horrible diet.
I eat a random cheeseburger or even a grilled stuff steak burrito from taco bell. I do beleive i get enough fruit intake with blueberries in my yogurt, strawberries on the side, and banannas in my room. However I still feel i am lacking my vegetbles.
I'm rather picky, and just dont ever have an appetite for vegetables and what not.
the freshman 20

for me it was the freshman 30

eat properly, work out

you probably drink a lot of alcohol, 4 beers = a hamburger and then some..
first of all, go heels. UNC sophomore here. ya'll are losing to us this year in football and everything. haha but yeah i know what your talking about. i actually havent been to state but at unc its buffet style and its so easy and tempting to just get fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and pizza. however i try to opt for the sandwich (as mentioned by someone else) and a salad and a bowl of cereal. it never works out like that but hey, thats college. theres really nothing you can do when you have a busy schedule. at least we have food right?

for me, i just try to do the best i can. when i go home for winter break and summer, i try to watch what i eat much more. its like a cycle. i gain weight during the school year and lose it in the summer, and repeat. quite a terrible cycle