Sport Eating poorly kills you. Plain and simple.

Sport Fitness
For your reading pleasure:

14 pounds to a stone, so the kid only weighed 224 pounds...obese, but not like these 500lb tubs of butter that have to have walls removed from the house so they can be trucked out on a forklift for gastric bypass surgery.

If you don't wanna read the article, I'll sum it up: 20 years old, 224lbs, only ate crap. He developed hepatitis, his blood wouldn't clot, his liver was failing, and he ended up bleeding to death after simple oral surgery to remove 3 rotting, infected teeth.

all you people on a New Year's resolution...please think use this to motivate yourselves to better health.
Wow, if you stay fit for no other reason, do it to live.
Fitness has always been my passion but I will say that sometimes I think to myself when Im in the gym at 6 AM - "what the hell am I doing here".

It's just become my lifestyle.
A friend of mine just had a heart attack at the age of 26. He was the guy that thought he was fit in college but wasn't as consistant as he could/should have been. He lifted occasionally but had a poor diet and stressed-out easily. These factors along with becoming more lazy led to the heart attack. Doctors say that even with a change in life-style and meds he may need a by-pass before he's 30. Hopefully they were just trying to further scare him to making the changes.

He has been documenting his experience and changes made at the following blog if you're interested to know more.

It's always interesting to me to see how many of us in this community are looking for quick fixes through the magic diet, pill, workout...Instead of looking for the real-life, hard truth about making a life-long commitment to nutrition and regular exercise.

Things to think about anyway.
Theres an old saying "Eat to Live, Don't Live to Eat".
People use the magic pills and fad diets for one main reason, appearance. They dont think about the real benefits of good ol exercise, overall good health. Magic pills dont strengthen the most important muscle, the heart. My .02