Is there any way to increase your appetite to be able to eat more at one sitting? I did quit smoking 2 weeks ago and so far I noticed that I get hungrier faster. But I get full fast even when very hungry.
My problem is I need to eat more, plain and simple. But its very hard to finish a meal that the guy next to me can finish easily. Most of the time I will find myself forcing myself to eat and will just stop when I see this. I can finish off tv dinners, mcdonalds combos, the regular hot-dog and fries, etc easily. Those are small meals though. And something not good to eat anyway.
So any tricks to maybe stretch out the stomach or something? Since I guess I may have a small stomach. I don't understand how that little asian kid can eat 58 hot-dogs and many plates of pasta where he is pretty much chewing with his throat, its amazing. Granted, I don't want to eat like him, but just being able to finish a meal that the restaurant brings to me with ease would be nice. Its pretty embarassing to go out to eat, and pretty much full already just from the soup, salad and appetizer. When the main meal comes, I don't have a chance. Especially when it is clear than I need to gain weight. 5'11" 150. I sometimes think people may even think I have a eating disorder or something when that isn't even close to being true. I would love to tear up everything they bring me and order 2 deserts. I just get full fast is all. I always thought smoking was the cause of this, so this was one of my main reasons to finally quit. It's only been 2 weeks, so hoping over time I will get a killer appetite. So so just wondering if there is anything else I can do to increase it. Oh yeah, just started to exercise also, I am sure that will help as well.
Also, I have gained about 5 lbs so far from quitting. I always remember being 140 lbs, but notice I am 150 now, so guessing 5 lbs from the quit. Other 5 lbs, can be from anything.
Thanks for any comments or suggestions.
Is there any way to increase your appetite to be able to eat more at one sitting? I did quit smoking 2 weeks ago and so far I noticed that I get hungrier faster. But I get full fast even when very hungry.
My problem is I need to eat more, plain and simple. But its very hard to finish a meal that the guy next to me can finish easily. Most of the time I will find myself forcing myself to eat and will just stop when I see this. I can finish off tv dinners, mcdonalds combos, the regular hot-dog and fries, etc easily. Those are small meals though. And something not good to eat anyway.
So any tricks to maybe stretch out the stomach or something? Since I guess I may have a small stomach. I don't understand how that little asian kid can eat 58 hot-dogs and many plates of pasta where he is pretty much chewing with his throat, its amazing. Granted, I don't want to eat like him, but just being able to finish a meal that the restaurant brings to me with ease would be nice. Its pretty embarassing to go out to eat, and pretty much full already just from the soup, salad and appetizer. When the main meal comes, I don't have a chance. Especially when it is clear than I need to gain weight. 5'11" 150. I sometimes think people may even think I have a eating disorder or something when that isn't even close to being true. I would love to tear up everything they bring me and order 2 deserts. I just get full fast is all. I always thought smoking was the cause of this, so this was one of my main reasons to finally quit. It's only been 2 weeks, so hoping over time I will get a killer appetite. So so just wondering if there is anything else I can do to increase it. Oh yeah, just started to exercise also, I am sure that will help as well.
Also, I have gained about 5 lbs so far from quitting. I always remember being 140 lbs, but notice I am 150 now, so guessing 5 lbs from the quit. Other 5 lbs, can be from anything.
Thanks for any comments or suggestions.