Sport Eating more at once

Sport Fitness

Is there any way to increase your appetite to be able to eat more at one sitting? I did quit smoking 2 weeks ago and so far I noticed that I get hungrier faster. But I get full fast even when very hungry.

My problem is I need to eat more, plain and simple. But its very hard to finish a meal that the guy next to me can finish easily. Most of the time I will find myself forcing myself to eat and will just stop when I see this. I can finish off tv dinners, mcdonalds combos, the regular hot-dog and fries, etc easily. Those are small meals though. And something not good to eat anyway.

So any tricks to maybe stretch out the stomach or something? Since I guess I may have a small stomach. I don't understand how that little asian kid can eat 58 hot-dogs and many plates of pasta where he is pretty much chewing with his throat, its amazing. Granted, I don't want to eat like him, but just being able to finish a meal that the restaurant brings to me with ease would be nice. Its pretty embarassing to go out to eat, and pretty much full already just from the soup, salad and appetizer. When the main meal comes, I don't have a chance. Especially when it is clear than I need to gain weight. 5'11" 150. I sometimes think people may even think I have a eating disorder or something when that isn't even close to being true. I would love to tear up everything they bring me and order 2 deserts. I just get full fast is all. I always thought smoking was the cause of this, so this was one of my main reasons to finally quit. It's only been 2 weeks, so hoping over time I will get a killer appetite. So so just wondering if there is anything else I can do to increase it. Oh yeah, just started to exercise also, I am sure that will help as well.

Also, I have gained about 5 lbs so far from quitting. I always remember being 140 lbs, but notice I am 150 now, so guessing 5 lbs from the quit. Other 5 lbs, can be from anything.

Thanks for any comments or suggestions.
Well, to eat more in one sitting, you need to do just that. Stretch your stomach. This is a bad idea. It would be far more beneficial to eat more frequently to gain weight, rather than stuffing yourself. If you stretch your stomach you are going to end up with a big protruding gut. Not only that, your body can only digest so much food at one time. Stuffing yourself will only make you fat. I assume that is not the kind of weight gain you want.

One of the reasons the U.S. is the fattest nation on the planet, is because of the restaurant portions, combined with the fact that people have been programed to eat everything on thier plate. Not that people eat out that often, but many do, then model thier home cuisine after the nice looking plate of food they had at a restaurant, or saw in a commercial.

Don't be embarrased about not finishing everything you order, it is the people that do finish all that crap that should be embarrassed. Did you know that in most places, if you order an appetizer, then a meal, and finish it all, you have taken in almost all the calories some one your size requires for the entire day?
Wow, that is crazy about the calorie part. No wonder I cannot finish it at once.

I guess this is just something that I have been obsessing about forever. I have always been the skinny kid that isn't able to eat much. When I was younger people would always say things like "Come on, eat up, you need to gain weight and get big and strong" But like I mentioned, its really not that big of an issue. Its just the sit-down places I have troubles. I remember a few months ago we went to a greek restaurant and I ordered a gyros. They bring the salad, the soup, then the plate comes with this HUGE gyros with tons of fries and fruit on the side. I couldnt even finish 1/3 of it. Was so full even when I came home I gave the rest to my dog. Oh yeah, dogs can eat like crazy. I don't know how he does it. He ate a full boston chicken once, bones and all. It was gone before we even noticed it was missing.

My main motivation to quit smoking was to be able to have a bigger appetite and gain weight. Its funny since most people continue to smoke because they are afraid to get the appetite and gain weight. Was somehow expecting to quit and be able to eat anything. Hell, I was really sick the first week and barely ate anything. Appetite only kicked in last week. But it is definitely better than was I was a smoker so that is a huge plus. It will probably get bigger too over time.

But that is pretty much how I eat, a small meal. Then eat again or snack a couple hours later. I have been waking up in the middle of the night now and eating. Like peanut butter and jelly, cookies, cereal, whatever I can find. Never used to do that before, so that is probably where the weight is coming from. Have to learn now to eat the right things which is hard for me since I am so used to eating poorly. Have to break that habit. Browsing this site is good for that.

But thanks for the reply.
Deji, I'm exactly the same as you.
I have tried to eat more in one sitting, because otherwise I just wouldn't eat enough.
For two months, I tried eating bigger breakfasts and bigger dinners. I actually ended up eating less, because I was stuffed all the time.
After awhile I realised, I don't like eating big meals, I don't like being gluttenous, and I don't like being stuffed. I prefer the light feeling of lighter meals, plus, there's less calorie expenditure on a smaller meal.
So, instead, I eat calorie and nutrient dense foods. Now, I fill up on avacado, dates, bananas...anything small but dense in calories.
Well done with quiting smoking~