Sport eating flax seed

Sport Fitness
i just bought a pound of whole flax seed to add to my diet. Do i have to grind them up, can you eat them whle? how can i add them to my regular meals?
I eat them whole. I love the taste and find it satisfying. I do try to crunch them pretty well with my chewing though. I also eat them along with other food.

Make sure you have plenty of floss around though. The suckers get stuck quite a bit in the teeth.
I eat them both ways but ground up is how you get the omega oil benefit. Unground is good for fiber and cleaning out the system. :D
Hey, cool. Knew I'd learn something here.

I usually chew them, a heaping tablespoon, for about two minutes until they are pretty much pulp. Would my teeth grinding away like that have the same effect as grinding them in a machine as far as Omega 3's? I drink water after.

The reason I ask is that I really enjoy them whole.
this may sound crazy, but i was thinking about filling a pepper mill with them, then just grind them over the food i want to eat? What do you think?
I add them to smoothies. I grind them up first until they're quite fine, then throw in fruit and ice. You don't even notice they're in there.
this may sound crazy, but i was thinking about filling a pepper mill with them, then just grind them over the food i want to eat? What do you think?

Hehe first post from a lurker but I just had to reply to this. You don't want to do that unless you want to clean out the pepper mill every day because the oils in flax seed tend to go bad pretty quickly. Had a few bad experiences with it, tends to taste a bit like glue after a while. Not nice! I would imagine due to this it will probably ruin the pepper mill if you don't clean it.

I use a pestle and mortar if I'm gonna grind them but I generally just chuck them in whole with food. I don't think you get as much benefit from the oils/good fats in them doing that though because they seem to be the digestive systems equivilent of ****roaches if the shells arn't broken - bulletproof.

Hope this helps.

i tried to grind them in my small food processor, but they got too gooey, maybe i'll try the motor and pestle.

takign them whole seems like it would defeat the purpose.
I take flax seed vitimins to help with my dry eyes that I've suffered with since I had laser treatment. Just wondering what others take this for, and if it is for the same reason, if it's helped in anyway?
Ground Flax Seeds, soaked overnight.

I have heard that if you eat flax seed without soaking them first they absorb nutrients in the gut (eg. if you take a multi- vitamin tablet at the same time).
I buy pre- ground flax seed but I freeze the bags as soon as I buy them and only use a little at a time, soaking in water overnight.
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my girlfriend always grinds them up in a coffee grinder - seems to do the trick