Weight-Loss Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

I think there's a lot of misconceptions out there not only about what an eating disorder is (ie. you'll always get the "it's just for attention" or "she's not skinny enough" etc.) but also about those people that are suffering, but don't technically "qualify" for a DSM diagnosis of anorexia or bulimia or even binge-eating disorder. There's so much overlap btwn all of them, but for ex. the fact that someone starves and purges but manages to maintain a close to normal weight doesn't mean they're not in need of help or that things are "okay". Or how many people know about bulimirexia? They're just as "valid" as any other ed or problem.
Or how many people know about bulimirexia? They're just as "valid" as any other ed or problem.

I don't think that is actually a diagnosable illness.

If you have anorexic AND bulemic tendancies AND do not qualify for anorexia nervosa or bulimia then you are classed with EDNOS.
Thank you so much for posting this. I know there is nothing normal about the way I've been eating and thinking about food for years and years, but although I'm technically considered "underweight" I dont qualify as anorexic and definitely not bulimic. I have some characteristics relatable to anorexia and some to binge-eating disorder but other things are wrong with me that do not fall under a DSM list. Thank you at least for acknowledging that not all disordered eating has a definitive label to it, or at least not one the DSM has managed to assign to it yet.