Eating before bed?

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Hello Alagas,

My name is Ethan Wilson. I am a board registered polysomnographic technologist (Sleep tech), and a personal trainer. In general the answer to your question is that healthy food in moderation before bed will not disrupt your sleep significantly. It will not contribute to weight gain either.

With that said, trouble sleeping and weight gain is like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg? Trouble sleeping will lead to weight gain, and weight gain will lead to trouble sleeping. The question is what is disrupting your sleep? Without asking more questions, it sounds like you are over worked and probably sleeping 5-7 hours a night. This little sleep will increase the hormone Ghrelin, which is responsible for hunger sensations. Sleep deprivation will also decrease your metabolism.

Describe your usual sleep habbits and everything related to your sleep.
I suggest not to eat because this is the first step that leads to obesity. been there, done that
Eating before going to bed is really a bad practice. It will increase your body fat. Also, it can be harmful to your digestion process.
It really does not matter WHEN or WHAT you eat just HOW MUCH so dont worry too much about bed time eating unless it is going to lead to you eating too much
This is really very bad so after eating don't go to sleep instantly. Go for a walk at least 25 minuted and then you can go to bed.
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