Sport Eating and the expanding gut question. SOMEONE END IT FOR ME!!

Sport Fitness
Alright, some of you may have heard me refer to eating a lot of food, bloating, could POSSIBLY expand something. I thought it was the gut, but Jen, I believe, said it was the intestines. Anyways. I just finished a meal that I think MIGHT HAVE done this... -_-'' I feel so...stuffed....

Anyways. Instead of researching this, I wanted to ask someone who possibly knows the REAL answer.

Please. I want an uber flat stomach, first, naturally I have to get rid of the fat on it, but I also want a tight one.

Thanks for your time.
well, i know that your stomach can stretch from eating that way. trust me, i know the feeling! lol. i think in order to get the flat stomach you want, you might want to change your eating habits.
There is no "one thing" that will make your gut flat. It is a combination of many factors:

FAT!... the most obvious cause...even if you can see your abs, it may be that you have more visceral fat (around your organs) as opposed to subcutaneous fat (under the skin).

How much food you have in your stomach... eat small meals and drink lots of water so there is no build up in there.

The size of your small meals so your stomach does not stretch.

How much food and other junk you have in your intestines...get at least 20g of fiber per day with lots of water.

Gas...many causes, most people know why they have it, when they have it.

Weak ab muscles, including rectus abdominis (the six pack) and transverse abdominis (ponch) thorough training your abs, suck in your navel and do at least 3 different exercises in your ab routine.

Abdominal / back extensor muscle imbalance. If your abs are any stronger than your lower back, you will slouch creating a pot thorough in your training, hit every muscle adequately.

One other possibility, but is unlikely in most people...thick abdominal muscles, from excessive ab training, or steroid use.

I think that is about it. Some one jump in if I am missing anything here, this seems to be a very common question.

Just to add to CrazyLegs post. Do eat smaller meals, but more often during the day. This together with lots of water will help you to not raid the frig at midnite for a quick snack. ;)
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