Sport Eating and Metabolism

Sport Fitness
What is the minimum amount of food that must be consumed to keep your metabolism going? Does varying amounts = varying intensities? I'm trying to get into the 5 meals/day routine here primarily for this reason but it's not as easy as it seem, especially in the portions arena. As far as that goes, breakfast, lunch and dinner I got covered but it's those in-between meals that are difficult to fill in, especially in a busy working environment where choices are slim. Can something as simple as a piece of fruit between breakfast & lunch be sufficient enough to be classified a "meal"? How about a protein shake? Considering that it's just a drink, would that accomplish anything? Thanks for your input.
protein shakes, with something else (a carb source or fat source) makes a meal. a piece of fruit alone is not enough.
What is the minimum amount of food that must be consumed to keep your metabolism going? Does varying amounts = varying intensities? I'm trying to get into the 5 meals/day routine here primarily for this reason but it's not as easy as it seem, especially in the portions arena. As far as that goes, breakfast, lunch and dinner I got covered but it's those in-between meals that are difficult to fill in, especially in a busy working environment where choices are slim. Can something as simple as a piece of fruit between breakfast & lunch be sufficient enough to be classified a "meal"? How about a protein shake? Considering that it's just a drink, would that accomplish anything? Thanks for your input.

You could always hardboil eggs ahead of time, and take 1 or two as a snack. They take up little space, and are a whole food. A baggie of peanuts also takes up little space. I would always resort to food rather than a shake.
I see your point, however I can't imagine eating a hard boiled egg twice daily during those time in between meals. I guess I can always pick up some extra stuff during lunch for later.

Anyway onto the other question I was more interested about, how much do you have to eat at a given time to get that metabolism rolling and if drinking a protein shake would do the job considering it's all liquid.

Thanks again
Ideally you should eat 5-6 equal sized meals throughout the day, every 2-3 hours.

I suppose protein shake and a piece of fruit is better than nothing.
I see your point, however I can't imagine eating a hard boiled egg twice daily during those time in between meals. I guess I can always pick up some extra stuff during lunch for later.

Anyway onto the other question I was more interested about, how much do you have to eat at a given time to get that metabolism rolling and if drinking a protein shake would do the job considering it's all liquid.

YOu don't think you can eat 2 eggs a day? would you freak out if I said I go through 2 whole eggs plus 3 more eggs whites every morning for breakfast?

You eat as much as you need to, to hit your daily calorie goal.

If you need 1800 calories a day, then you eat 300 cals at each meal, 6 meals a day (or close to 300 cals/meal)
YOu don't think you can eat 2 eggs a day? would you freak out if I said I go through 2 whole eggs plus 3 more eggs whites every morning for breakfast?

You eat as much as you need to, to hit your daily calorie goal.

If you need 1800 calories a day, then you eat 300 cals at each meal, 6 meals a day (or close to 300 cals/meal)

No no no, I can eat 2 eggs a day, in fact, today I had 2 eggs for breakfast and and 3 egg whites 2.5 hours later. What I meant is that I don't think I could stand eating a hard boiled eggs as my in-between meals twice daily indefinitely. I don't wanna get sick of eating them cuz they're gooooood. Basically I need more variety but for me(who had recently begun eating this way) it's hard to think of different nicely proportioned meals that I can either prepare or buy that can easily be brought to work and consumed without making a mess during those busy hours in my cubicle.
What is the minimum amount of food that must be consumed to keep your metabolism going? Does varying amounts = varying intensities? I'm trying to get into the 5 meals/day routine here primarily for this reason but it's not as easy as it seem, especially in the portions arena. As far as that goes, breakfast, lunch and dinner I got covered but it's those in-between meals that are difficult to fill in, especially in a busy working environment where choices are slim. Can something as simple as a piece of fruit between breakfast & lunch be sufficient enough to be classified a "meal"? How about a protein shake? Considering that it's just a drink, would that accomplish anything? Thanks for your input.

I see a lot of myths being spread in this thread.

Metabolism is not regulated by the last time you ate. Think for a your body really going to slow metabolic rate becuase you have not eaten in 2 hours when meals can still be released for 6-8 hours? The answer is no.

So what regulates metabolic rate? Total caloric intake. Even with low caloric intakes metabolism has been shown to slow only 30%. So what does this mean? Metabolism will slow with few total calories but not enough to offset long term fat loss. However, fat loss will slow and certainly not be at the same pace as when a diet first began. There are still several tricks to bring metabolism back to speed after periods of dieting (refeeds, moving to maintenance calories for 2 weeks).

If eating every 2 hours is not convenient don't do it. It can help ward of hunger pangs, but for others it does just the opposite.

Smaller individuals (namely women) may find it helpful to eat 3 or 4 larger meals opposed to niblets of protein with a small carb or fat source. Furthermore, some people may find appetite will increase once they START eating. This may encourage more eating and throw one off their diet. The one time eating more meals is certainly most practical is when trying to gain weight so that more calories can be consumed.

Let me know if you have any more questions.:)
Increase body metabolism

Just want to share a simple information about this. I think, it is not wrong for taking all food but the important thing is control your taking. And the very important thing to increase body metabolism is do not forget to take your BREAKFAST!. You need food to gain energy to start your day. You just make the burning fat process more harder by not taking breakfast. But make sure it's a healthy breakfast, ya!

Between your main lunch and dinner, take a healthy snack. Don't let your stomach suffer. It just make your body metabolism decrease. SALAD made from fruits and vegetables is a good and healthy snack to take. But remember, don't add that salad with high fat mayonnaise or other high fat food for your salad 'decoration'..ya!

You can try visit this to know what you can do to increase your body metabolism. There's easy tips you can try.

Have a try!:)