Studies please? I am interested in hearing more.
Timing of amino acid-carbohydrate ingestion alters anabolic response of muscle to resistance exercise
"These results indicate that the response of net muscle protein synthesis to consumption of an EAC solution immediately before resistance exercise is greater than that when the solution is consumed after exercise, primarily because of an increase in muscle protein synthesis as a result of increased delivery of amino acids.
It is likely that the greater delivery of amino acids to the muscle during PRE accounts for the greater net uptake than during POST. During exercise in the POST trial, net muscle protein balance, as well as phenylalanine Rd, an index of muscle protein synthesis, was unchanged, whereas in the PRE trial, phenylalanine Rd and NB were increased. Consuming a source of amino acids before exercise increases amino acid availability. Providing amino acids at a time when blood flow is elevated, such as during the exercise bout, maximizes delivery to the muscle. Previous studies have demonstrated that muscle protein synthesis is related to amino acid delivery to the leg. Phenylalanine delivery during exercise in the PRE trial was increased 6.5-fold over resting levels and was more than twice that of POST. Furthermore, delivery remained elevated after exercise during PRE to a significantly greater extent above that during POST. Similarly, in our previous study, amino acid delivery was increased by EAC ingestion at both 1 and 3 h postexercise to levels comparable to those obtained when EAC was consumed immediately after exercise. Thus consumption of amino acids before exercise results in greater amino acid delivery than when they are consumed at various time points after exercise, likely accounting for the greater response of net muscle protein synthesis demonstrated during the PRE trial."
Macronutrient considerations for the sport of bodybuilding.
"Because pre-exercise carbohydrate feedings appear to augment performance during resistance exercise sessions, and carbohydrate ingestion increases protein synthesis, and decreases proteolysis, and because muscle glycogen
levels are augmented by carbohydrate ingestion we recommend ingesting 1 g/kg of high-glycaemic-index carbohydrate prior to a resistance exercise session. We also suggest that at least 6g of amino acids/protein be ingested prior to a resistance exercise session as this has been shown to augment muscle protein synthesis relative to ingesting it after resistance exercise."
Protein and amino acids for athletes
"The response of net muscle protein balance was considerably
greater when the solution was ingested immediately
before exercise than immediately after exercise."