The myth that if you don't eat constantly, you're body will stop burning fat is an unfortunate one. While it may be ideal for many people to eat multiple small meals, I've found many clients who actually respond BETTER to larger, infrequent meals. Forcing them to try the many small meals thing just resulted in them eating MORE throughout the day, and gaining weight. I think it really depend on your genetics. You have to remember that many of our ancestors developed genetic codes for eating big meals when food was available, then not eating for days.
The studies people always quote when talking about eating many small meals are not only plaqued with confounding variables, but also very general: in other words, just because the AVERAGE person responded better to many small meals, could mean that 40% responded better to a few big meals and 60% responded better to many small meals. Try it out and see what works for you.
IN any case, if you do screw up and overeat, then 100% DO NOT force yourself to eat at your next scheduled feeding time. Let hunger be your guide. I found the people who respond best to the few big meals approach tend to be people who stay full for a long time after a big meal and don't think about food for a while, but if they graze, they just eat constantly without thinking about it.