Sport Easter & Hot X Buns

Sport Fitness
As i said in my last post, im doing all the nutritional stuff in my kitchen.

Today i bought a pack of hot cross buns from Marks & Spencer as a sunday treat. Ive just looked at the nutritional values PER BUN

170 kCals
34 Carbs
1.4 Fat
0.4 Sat Fat
6g Protein

Now, im not saying they're the most healthy option in my kitchen, but are these a decent snack? i usually have them with peanut butter, and, from what i can see they're not so bad. if i was to, occasionally, have one pre workout would i burn off the extra carbs in them?

The only things in the ingredients list that i wasnt sure about were Wheat Gluten and Inverted Corn Syrup. Im going to go out on a limb here and say that someone is going to say a big NO to either or both of these. Hmm.

Anyway, once/twice a week, what do we reckon?

Could be worse, on the shelf next to it was a chocolate fudge slice.

Thanks everyone.