
I'm going to make a change in my lifestyle, but I need the proper equipment.. I am certain that I am going to buy dumbbells because of its small compact size.

I would like to ask is what the recommended size? Or are the different sizes for different exercises?

You need lots of different sizes, you won't end up with something compact. And you'll need some sort of high mounted bar for pullups and such too or a cable machine, or there are some muscles you can't really work.
Oh, I see. For size I was looking at the dumbbells that elite fitness sells, the ones you can adjust the dials for the desired weight.

If I need all this equipment at home. I think I will go and join the gym.

Thanks for the advice.
I'm going to make a change in my lifestyle, but I need the proper equipment.. I am certain that I am going to buy dumbbells because of its small compact size.

I would like to ask is what the recommended size? Or are the different sizes for different exercises?


I think what one purchases for home use depends on ones goals. I for one will not down grade the use of dumbells dependent on your goals you seek or wish to obtain. In addition to money and space available. However, if you can afford to go to a gym, then this can serve your goals you seek.

What are your goals?
Here's the equipment I use at home:

I am gonna buy the ********** BullHeight bar and wedge it in my door frame for pullups. But bent-over dumbbell rows also give me quite the poomp.