Drug test, am I gonna pass taking Stacker 3's???

I have to take a drug screen for a new job. In the past few weeks, I have taken a couple Stacker 3 with ephedra. I bought these before they were off of the market. Will they show up in a screen? I haven't taken any in a week. Thanks
Uh, yeah. And it's grounds for enforcement agency intervention. You better learn how to pray.

Not really. Sorry. Ephedrine isn't actually a Scheduled substance (it's still legal to posess and sell in the USA.) However, it is regulated by the FDA because of serious health risks associated with Ephedrine use and the fact that it's a precursor for illegal drugs such as Methamphetamine.

Be up front about it. Tell them "hey I take this fat burner supplement, and I have no idea if it'll affect my drug test, but I wanted you to know".
Smoke some weed and they won't care about the Ephedra :)

Kidding...you should be alright dude. As long as you are smearing cream on you body from Balco.
Be up front about it. Tell them "hey I take this fat burner supplement, and I have no idea if it'll affect my drug test, but I wanted you to know".
Technically ephedrine can only be sold and used as a bronchial dilator. Using it/selling it for dietary purposes is still illegal.
Good point Fil. "I've had a cold and have been taking butt loads of Sudafed"

point is, if you don't try to hide things, and what you're hiding isn't a crime, be up front and it shouldn't cause a problem.
you know i could swear i still see ephedrine at gas station convenience stores when i'm out driving around. i tdont think it's illegal all over the US.
.... so how long is that stuff in your system?, It only lasts for 8 or so hours, then your back to normal. I think I had one in the last 2 weeks, Does it flush out fast, or does it stay in you like a drug?
Fil said:
Technically ephedrine can only be sold and used as a bronchial dilator. Using it/selling it for dietary purposes is still illegal.

Can you show me where you found this info? I searched all kinds of sites including the Food and Drug admin and only found that the Sale of it is banned. Nothing about using it at all.
This is the real ban:

http://www.fda.gov/bbs/topics/NEWS/2004/NEW01021.html said:
FDA modified this proposed rule in 2000, and in February 2003 it announced a series of measures that included taking enforcement actions against firms making unsubstantiated claims regarding enhanced athletic performance for their ephedra-containing products. FDA also issued warning letters to firms promoting these products as alternatives to illicit street drugs. Many firms have complied with FDA's warning against making such claims. FDA has also followed up with seizures and injunctions and joint enforcement actions with the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice. (More detail on these actions can be found at http://www.fda.gov/ola/2003/dietarysupplements1028.html.) As a result, most ephedra-containing dietary supplements advertised for enhanced sport performance have been removed from the market.

From my post on this thread: http://training.fitness.com/showthread.php?t=4561&page=2&pp=15

fil said:
The thing a lot of people don't understand is that it's not REALLY a ban. Not on ephedrine anyway. It's a ban on certain ways of marketing it. You can't market it (or claim to use it ) for sports performance or weight loss reasons. It's widely used as a bronchial dilator, and this is one of the fews things you're allowed to market it as.

So MANY ephedra products disappeared from the shelves, but that's because you were probably getting them from name-brand sports manufacturers (and since they were marketing it as a sports supplement, it was taken off the shelves). You can still get the same ephedrine from retailers, often you have to ask for it though because of the risk to the retailer associated with it.

It is still around, legal to sell, and legal to buy.
I'm also a retailer myself. Both me and my competitors still carry ephedrine legally, and sell it regularly.
RoRoCo said:
Smoke some weed and they won't care about the Ephedra :)
LMAO I can't believe everyone passed that over....funny dude :D