Sport Dried foods?

Sport Fitness
Yea i feel fat and lazy right now but its friday so what the hell. Im sittin here on my fat butt eating a bag of train mix and some beef jerkey. I suppose its helthier than some things. Or is it? In the bag of trail mix is all kinds of dried stuff like raisins, dried pineapple, almonds, cashews, dried bananas, and more that i dont even know what they are lol. Are these things good for you? What about beef jerkey? Some of the stuff in here are just disgusting tho like these little dried orange things im guessing theyre dried oranges. What about dried apricots? I used to love those. These gotta be somewhat good for you if astronauts can eat dried foods.
There's nothing wrong with dried fruit and nuts, however one must be careful of the serving sizes. They are very calorie-dense. But you're right - it is better than eating a bag of chips or other junk. And beef jerky - lots of protein :)
i hate to say it but that's crap food, IMO. tons of calories in the trail mix, & beef jerky is a disaster on several levels.
shimmering said:
i hate to say it but that's crap food, IMO. tons of calories in the trail mix, & beef jerky is a disaster on several levels.

calorie dense foods don't equal bad

As for beef jerky I wish I knew what it was :)
Incitatus said:
calorie dense foods don't equal bad

It's generally better to get lots of calories from lots of less-calorie-dense foods. You want that energy to be available to you -- those densely-stored calories are no good if you don't get them when you need them and end up storing them as fat later.
yeah beef jerky is super high in nitrites (sp?) & sodium, and arent those trail mixes loaded with preservatives on the fruit, too? and they have a ton of fat and calories for a "sit around and munch on" type of food. i'm not telling you not to eat it, though - i sometimes eat crap too, while i sit on MY fat lazy ass, LOL! just pointing out those arent the healthiest snacks. :)
shimmering said:
just pointing out those arent the healthiest snacks. :)
they're a heck of a lot healthier than sitting and eating potato chips, ice cream, cookies, candy, etc.

Anyways, you certainly don't need to avoid the dried fruits and nuts - but if you can't control yourself to stop at one serving (you MUST measure it all out!!!!), then I do think you should find something else.
no offense but i dont see those snack foods as being a heck of a lot healthier than chips & ice cream. commercial beef jerky is terrible for you, and those trail mixes for the most part are high calorie, high fat, high preservative snacks.
on the subject of calorie-dense food, are almonds a good before-bed snack for reducing catabolism?
I saw this written somewhere in the forum, but I thought it would just get stored as fat because the calories are not being used for anything. (except a small amount whilst sleeping maybe).
don't beat yourself up. you did it, you enjoyed it, and you gotta move on!