Dream Interpretations


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I have had a week of very strange dreams. I'm just now going into PMS so I think that is part of it, plus with my insomnia I only sleep for short spurts, which makes me remember my dreams pretty vividly. Two nights ago I dreamed I was being chased by someone in the house where I grew up (all my dreams take place in my childhood home) and then I was in a car (backseat) that was being chased and I woke up as the car tires squealed and we went into a spiralling wreck.

I looked this up and it said to dream of being chased means I'm avoiding something I do not think is conquerable. Hmmm. This is true, and I don't mean the weight thing. I am very worried about commuting costs and what will happen when I have to get a new car. I'm also just worried about living my life alone in general. Eeesh.

Then last night I dreamed I was at a dance audition. Now being in theatre I have the Actors Nightmare of being plopped into a play I never rehearsed about as often as the high school exam dream (every month or so.) But a dance audition? Maybe it was reading about Phoenyx's classes, lol. But there I was, doing this idiotic street dance without knowing what I was doing. I was so humiliated and nervous in that dream. So I looked that up and got this: To dream that you are at an audition, indicates feelings of insecurity and trouble with expressing yourself. You feel that you are being put to a test and are put in a vulnerable situation.

Geesh, now I'm starting to think I'm mental. It's wierd cause by day I've been feeling VASTLY better this week. My dreams tell a different story.

What about ya'll? What are your recurring dreams? Do you have cyclic dreams that occur when you are at certain points in your life?

Also, here is a neat website I found. You can look up keywords and they tell you what those things may signify in your dreams.

Be interesting to hear your input.

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Dream interpretation is kind of a hobby of mine -andit's generally more fun when I know nothing about the person who's had the dream and really wonder how close to the truth i can get... It takes time though -there are a lot of dream dictionaries on the web and in print -some give a lot more detail than the dreammoods dictionary does.

I think a lot of dream interpretation is like horrorscopes.. you can read into them what you want to read into them... hoping for specific results.

One recurring dream I've had for the past 25 years.. and its gotten to the point where t he dream is so familiar -I KNOW it's a dream in the dream... I'm getting on a plane and everyone on the plane is people I've known from various points in my life - some from childhood, some from various points as an adult... and the people are at the age when I knew them-- they never aged... every time - i sit down on the plane... and at some point the plane crashes...

Survey says..

To dream that a plane crashes, suggests that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. Your goals may be too high and are impossible to realize. You are in danger of having it come crashing down. Alternatively, your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt toward the goals you have set for yourself is represented by the crashing airplane; you do not believe in your ability to attain those goals. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are also signified.
Gee no truth there at all :D
The type of dream that I always seem to have at stressful times is one where I lose a tooth. In my dream, it usually starts out as having a loose tooth and I can't stop jiggling and playing with it until it falls out. Then I start freaking out and no one in my dream seems to care that one of my teeth just fell out for no apparent reason. Losing a tooth is something that I am extremely fearful of for some reason. My two biggest fears: loosing teeth and toilets (for a different reason than germs) but I have yet to have a nightmare involving toilets thank God. When I wake up, I check my teeth to make sure I didn't make one fall out while dreaming and jiggling it LOL
I have toilet dreams all the time, where the stall doors are off, or the toilet is overflowing and I'm trying to rush and pee before someone comes in, or I get drenched, etc. I believe it's supposed to denote feeling a lack of privacy in your life. And I feel that at work all the time (though we do have stall doors, lol.) Usually bathroom dreams, for me, just mean I have to go . . .

I've never had a plane crash dream. That would terrify me!

I used to dream of losing my teeth a lot! Or cutting my hair really short. I just saw where this is sort of a Samson Complex - you dream of cutting your hair when you experience a loss of strength or control. Hmmm.

I think I need confidence building classes.

In general, dreams about losing teeth are common and suggest the dreamer feels powerless or out of control in a real life situation.

This site though has a little deeper explanation

Psychological Meaning: Dreaming of teeth falling out may represent insecurity. These dreams often occur at a time of transition between one phase of life and another. When we lost our milk teeth, we also gradually lost our childhood innocence. Loosing your teeth therefore show that today you have similar feelings of uncertainty and self-consciousness as you did in childhood. The dream could also highlight your worries about getting older or your sexual attractiveness.

Animal teeth may represent aggressiveness and false teeth may represent concern about your self-image. The dream could also be triggered by subtle toothache that you are not yet consciously aware of.

1. Do I feel insecure because I'm starting a new phase of life? Katie's dream may highlight her worries about soon reaching 40.

2. Am I facing reality? Dreams about loosing teeth may represent a retreat to the innocent times when you were a toothless baby and dependent for nourishment on your mother's milk.

Somewhere i've also seen another interpretation about teeth losing and it says that you should just make an appointment with the dentist :D
Huh, and I thought it was just about vanity. Never occured to me to equate losing teeth with childhood transitions. Interesting.

The teeth losing dreams are always so real to me. I can even taste the blood in my mouth, and I feel this panic over how I will look at work the next morning.

Anyone have the nekkid in the mall dream? I have this one a lot, but usually I'm just topless. I tend to have this dream on hot nights when I don't want to wear my jammies, and my mother was ALWAYS adamant, even when I was an adult, that I wear something to bed. So I imagine the sheer act of defying her, although I am 44 years old and she is long deceased, causes me to have such a rattling, punitive dream. I hate that!

I have the teeth one often to. I researched it once and somewhere it said that was the most common dream. I almost never remember my dreams. I have read that is good but sometimes it is frustrating. Like I will remember that it was a really good dream but I can't remember about what. Another thing I notice is that sometimes I have like really twisted, scary dreams. Only I like dream them as if it is a movie or story and so I am never scared so it is like I have "nightmare dreams" but I never feel in any danger or scared or anything. I just watch them unfold.
Huh, and I thought it was just about vanity. Never occured to me to equate losing teeth with childhood transitions. Interesting.

It's far more interesting to do interpretations for other people because then you can put out alll the interpretations instead of the ones that you think just apply to you...

On another website -I probably spent a good 2- 3 hours doing a dream analysis for somoene I had zero info on... it was almost creepy the things that the dreamer thought I knew about them based on the symbols in their dreams...

the naked dream one is interesting

Description: You are nude or only partly dressed in public, or you may appear in public inappropriately dressed, as in wearing pajamas to work. In another version, you may witness someone else doing the same. You may feel embarrassed, indifferent, and occasionally even proud and free.
Frequency: This is a fairly common anxiety dream among all ages.

Usual meanings: You feel exposed, vulnerable or awkward, or you may fear that you may have revealed too much of yourself in a waking situation. Rarely you may feel free and unencumbered. Many dreams about being inappropriately dressed occur when the person is involved in a wedding ceremony in waking life.

Questions to ask yourself:
If naked in your dream:

Where are you naked in your dream?
Who notices you?
What part of you is exposed?
How do people react to you?
How do you feel?
What do you do?
If partially clothed:
What does the missing article of clothing do for you?
What is good or useful about the missing article?
What is bad or constricting about it?
What does the missing article remind you of in waking life?
How can you restore what is missing?
if you're interested in dreaming- spend some time researching Lucid dreaming -it's really fascinating stuff...

I tried that. I never could do it but I also only gave it about a week. The concept was great and I have read about people who do it and it sounds awesome. I still have the book lying around somewhere.
Lol, well I admit one of the things I really hate about gaining all this weight is I absolutely have to wear a bra, whereas when I was in the 120 range they were so itty bitty I could wear some casual clothes without. So maybe my boob exposure dreams represent feeling restricted in some way. And I do, actually, because I now work at a desk 9 hours, whereas my old job had more down time. Hmm

I'll look up lucid dreaming! It's a slow day at work, yay!

My ex boyfriend used to dream about having his head eaten off my monsters or zombies. Hmmmm. Perhaps it was just the weed, hee hee.

OK, Mal, tell me this.

Why is it, after 44 years and not living in my childhood home for more than 16 years, all my dreams take place there? Well, 95%. I think I've had maybe five dreams total in my present home. In my dreams present life people move among my parents, who died in 1977 and 1991, or I am with co-workers, etc, but always at my childhood home. And I did NOT have a happy childhood in that home. Still, not all my dreams are terrible. Some are just silly, but they are always at that house. Weird.
I would say 85-90% of my dreams are Lucid Dreams. I know I am dreaming- and I dream alot, I don't wake up, I use too, but so many of my dreams were Lucid, thats about all I have now. Its so weird.

I also love to interpret dreams:p I do it every time someone tells me they have one.
I had a dream about my mother getting arrested for dirty laundry one time, it was a very awkward dream. I was so confused.

Dirty laundry as in clothes,...
OK, Mal, tell me this.

Why is it, after 44 years and not living in my childhood home for more than 16 years, all my dreams take place there? .

the dream symbol of your childhood home, from what I've seen, isnt so much about the home itself but something from the past that is influences you today... good or bad..

this site -describes it a little differently

To dream of your childhood house, tends to be a reflection of your life today though.
One of your parents died in 1977? Wow, you were just a kid... That must've been hard. It's a tough age to lose a parent. (Every age is a tough age to lose a Parent).

Before my Mother died, if she was in my dreams, she often would speak. But since she died (2003) while she is occasionally in my dreams she never speaks, neither do my Grandparents. If something is occuring in the dream, they are present and seem to know what is going on, but do not speak of interfere.

I've always found it very interesting too.

Hi David,

Yes, my father drank himself to death in 1977. I had just turned 14. There was a lot of post guilt involved because at the time my mother and I were relieved (they were in process of a messy, volatile divorce.) I still have scary dreams concerning him, but they are rare. My mother had cancer in the early 1990s and I was her caretaker. To this day I dream about her and it always concerns "fixing" something, trying to save her, etc. The meaning is pretty obvious. I'm surprised at how often she invades my dreams, because I have been so long without her I don't think of her daily. In the dreams, you are right, she does not speak much. Wow, never noticed that.
