Dr. Phill

I just finished watching todays episode of Dr.Phill and on todays episode he had four doctors each in a different field.
In the last part of the show the ER doctor was describing and talking to a woman who had Osteoporosis. Now note that before he got into telling her to take a drug he said "WE doctors tend to forget about the lifestyle changes we should tell people to do along with the medication". Now he tells her to take a drug that slows down the process of Osteoporosis. the lady brought up the fact of weight lifting can help, which he popped in and basically said "oh yeah! thats a good idea".

Well later into the convo she states "well if this medicine does not let me recycle my bone then why should i take it?"
he said somthing to the effect of "even so, it still helps you retain what you already have. "

He did NOT even mention to her that she no longer creates NEW bone. He as agreeing with her on the false belief that she was still "Recycling" bone.

This ER doctor did not know, after around 35 you no longer create new bone.

NOR did he even mention the dietary changes she could make that would make a more powerful impact then the drug alone would.

this was not the only problem i saw between these four doctors.

Another part they talk about avoiding colds, he said wash your hands. WOW great advise, did he even mention the clinically proven method of supplementing zink,C (not to even mention other immune stimulating nutrients) which alone have been shown to reduce the time of the common cold and help avoid it.

there was so much misinformation on that show, i could hardly hold myself from yelling at the tv!

The more and more doctors i see the more and more i realize how big their vocabulary is and how little their knowledge truly is.

BTW- i just felt like ranting i don't know why so bear with me ;). Maybe i should start one of those journals?
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Maybe i should start one of those journals?

Could be an idea ;)

Anyway dont forget that the program would have been aimed at people who Have not bothered to educate themselves.

Also there can still be osteoblasts present after 35 otherwise calcification couldnt occur over a break. But I agree with you there is no such thing as recycling bone espescially after 35 :D
I hate Dr. Phil... how he got famous is beyond me.

I used to work at a hospital too. Trust me when I say that the docs are in it for the money. I've seen them and their nurses and aids laughing and joking standing over dead bodies with weeping families just outside the room. It was disgusting! I was completely depressed while working in that environment.

Furthermore, I find it funny that Magic Johnson can look so healthy after having HIV for 15 years. I think our health care system in america is built around keeping people on the brink of sickness and health. I really do. The health care system has become parasitic in America. It's an assembly line of sickness where people are handled like automobiles at a GM plant.
Wow, I'm very happy to know that there are other people out there that feel the same way I do about "doctors". If I were to say anything like this (the misinformation doctors spread, healing yourself with nutrition, etc) to people at work, I would sound like even more of a nut.

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I hate Dr. Phil... how he got famous is beyond me.

I used to work at a hospital too. Trust me when I say that the docs are in it for the money. I've seen them and their nurses and aids laughing and joking standing over dead bodies with weeping families just outside the room. It was disgusting! I was completely depressed while working in that environment.

It could be a way to cope or compensate for not becoming attached to their patients. Doctors and nurses see people die all the time...the jokes could be a way for them to stay detached from the situation.
So why don't you be quiet and say thank you next time you break a bone or cough up blood, and if you want someone to help you with preventitve type stuff go to a specialist instead of an emergancy care or general practice doctor.

Yes, when it comes to things like that modern science and surgeons have my utmost respect. Let's face it, I wouldn't be walking right now if it wasn't for them.

HOWEVER, with that being said I think there are many doctors out there that are pill pushers. I'm also not just talking about pyschiatrists who would probably diagnose everyone as chronically depressed. All the doctors that prescribe drugs for whatever ailment when an improvement in diet might be the only change someone needs. So they are not taught the importance of nutrition in medical school? Maybe that needs to change :)

I understand they have to cope. I had to cope. I actually had to help funeral homes transport the bodies from our hospital to their cars. It was an every day thing. However, coping and standing over a dead person making jokes about how many times he pushed the call button are two different things imo. But everybody copes in their own way I guess.

As far as being bound to the system.. we are. were hostages to it. We have no alternative.
Doctors have to learn a TON of things. Doctors are not preventative health specialists. They basically patch you up and ship you out. Doctors have to know so much that they can't really know in depth a lot about much. Any sickness you have, the doctor has to have a basic concept of what the **** it is.

Its basically if youw ere required to know something about every food in the world, how could you know in depth about how each food grows and how best to get the quality food? you can't, youc an't specialize in EVERYTHING.

Not to mention, most doctors who go on tv shows like dr phil and such are jackasses anyway.

So why don't you be quiet and say thank you next time you break a bone or cough up blood, and if you want someone to help you with preventitve type stuff go to a specialist instead of an emergancy care or general practice doctor.

Well said. One thing that doctors need to get better at IMO (and in my experience) is letting you know who you should go see to fix this and that. You get an injury, doctor fixes you, maybe surgery, and he says "Hey, go see a physio therapist for rehab" thats fine. But with alot of other things, i feel doctors should redirect patients. My girlfriend has had a problem of a bad immune defence system, low on energy, and stuff like that. Doctor gave her a bunch of pills she should take. Because he saw what was lacking from her blood test. But it dident really get any better, just now she was at a nutrition specialist of some kind, who quickly found out that a big part of the problem is that all the meat she ever eats is a slice of ham on bread every once in a while (along with a bunch of other stuff). I wouldnt expect the doctor to know how to set up a quality diet for her, but he should have been quicker in redirecting her to a nutrition specialist who could fix her up.
Well said. One thing that doctors need to get better at IMO (and in my experience) is letting you know who you should go see to fix this and that. You get an injury, doctor fixes you, maybe surgery, and he says "Hey, go see a physio therapist for rehab" thats fine. But with alot of other things, i feel doctors should redirect patients. My girlfriend has had a problem of a bad immune defence system, low on energy, and stuff like that. Doctor gave her a bunch of pills she should take. Because he saw what was lacking from her blood test. But it dident really get any better, just now she was at a nutrition specialist of some kind, who quickly found out that a big part of the problem is that all the meat she ever eats is a slice of ham on bread every once in a while (along with a bunch of other stuff). I wouldnt expect the doctor to know how to set up a quality diet for her, but he should have been quicker in redirecting her to a nutrition specialist who could fix her up.

Wow, its usually fairly hard to become B12 deficient. Your "specialist" will likely prescribe her a combination of folic acid and B12.
just as likely, Iron (Heme-from meat is the best absorbed) might also be suggested.

If she is indeed B12 deficient and your normal doc gave her "pills" to cover up her symptoms without correcting the underlying cause, she may have well suffered extreme nerve damage or even death after covering up the deficiency for so long.

yet again another example of the ignorance.
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i dont know if she was B12 deficient, how did you pick that up from my post, i dident say it. But maybe you know something that i dont, since i just said there what she told me. Does B12 have something to do with not getting enough protein?
Anyways, it was not only one thing she was lacking, it was alot of things. The nutrition lady said if she followed the correct eating plan and advice she gave, it would still take pretty long for it to get fixed, i think she mentioned around 3 months, since obviously, it doesnt get done the day you start eating right.

And the fitness specialist have prescribed her some pills or something (im not sure what it is, but its some kind of medicine/suppliment stuff) in addition to eating healthy ofcource.

I was a bit skeptical at first when she was going to see the expert, because i know other people who have been to other experts and have gotten diets that even i could shoot to ****, and my knowledge in the diet world is pretty limited.
i dont know if she was B12 deficient, how did you pick that up from my post, i dident say it. But maybe you know something that i dont, since i just said there what she told me. Does B12 have something to do with not getting enough protein?
Anyways, it was not only one thing she was lacking, it was alot of things. The nutrition lady said if she followed the correct eating plan and advice she gave, it would still take pretty long for it to get fixed, i think she mentioned around 3 months, since obviously, it doesnt get done the day you start eating right.

And the fitness specialist have prescribed her some pills or something (im not sure what it is, but its some kind of medicine/suppliment stuff) in addition to eating healthy ofcource.

I was a bit skeptical at first when she was going to see the expert, because i know other people who have been to other experts and have gotten diets that even i could shoot to ****, and my knowledge in the diet world is pretty limited.

Well in your post you said she was tired,low on energy, and low immune system functions. Then you mentioned she that she only has one slice of "Meat" once a while, Then the fact that the "specialist" measured something in the blood. To me it sounds like low B12 which is primarily found in Meat, As well very possible and quite common is low iron (best absorbed from meat). Women naturally need more iron then men (we men recycle our supply's better) then add on top a womans "time" of the month increases their need even more at those times.

Then theres the off chance she is just not getting enough protein but their would be other signs such as weak and brittle hair and or finger nails. Or another likely cause is a specific amino acid (which is possible if your GF was eating a very limited diet and not combing her greens correctly)

All and all, those problems regardless of which one can be solved by simply eating some more leaner meat until her "stores" are refilled. In a sence your can rule out quite alot with some more meat:D .
yeah, i always told her she had to eat my meat..
oh god.. err.. i mean eat her meat.. oh damned.. i mean just eat meat in general :D
i love how you make a diagnosis over the internet and then rail on a doctor for not treating it right when you know next to nothing about the situation.

Lol Its not a diagnosis, simply i am thinking of a reason why the nutritionist would recommend more meat. And then simply what connection does meat have with the symptoms she has. Boom, B12, and iron are at the top of the list.

It doesn't take much thought:D.
All and all, those problems regardless of which one can be solved by simply eating some more leaner meat until her "stores" are refilled. In a sence your can rule out quite alot with some more meat .
yeah, i always told her she had to eat my meat..
oh god.. err.. i mean eat her meat.. oh damned.. i mean just eat meat in general :D

No you don't!:D Also, I don't think your meat will have her "stores" refilled. You need more meat!:D
Yup, too small to fit in her mouth, but not too small to fit between her teeth.:D
Deja vu all over again, but (Silent) is supposed post something soon.
I hope it does not end up with Chyna again.:D
Yup, too small to fit in her mouth, but not too small to fit between her teeth.:D
Deja vu all over again, but (Silent) is supposed post something soon.
I hope it does not end up with Chyna again.:D

Chyna, isn't she an ex-woman wrestler? :confused: