Down 15 pounds!


New member
Started at 330 And already down 15 pounds in 3 weeks. Doing a lot of cardio and minor weight lifting. Does the burn in your calf from cardio ever go away?
Well done iamjboi & welcome to the forum :D
Hello iamjboi, welcome to the forum and well done on your level of loss so far.

As for the question you’ve asked, it really depends. Are you referring to stiffness in the calves afterwards, or burning in the calves during exercise?

If the burning occurs during cardio, I’d suggest that it’s simply a case of your calves growing accustomed to the increased level of activity. As muscular endurance increases, whilst the burning sensation may never completely disappear, the fact that regular cardio exercise improves the body’s ability to process oxygen, thus, improving the ability to handle rising blood lactate, you should find that the burning sensation becomes more tolerable.

Additionally, strengthening your calves (ideally through gym resistance), will also improve their muscular endurance, whilst also increasing the strength of the tendons in your lower leg, since they’ll also be loaded with weight as you work them in isolation.
Great start! Don't expect such a fast rate of weight loss indefinitely but definitely be proud of your commitment to making this happen. Keep up the momentum.
Great job, and keep up the good work. Here's some advice for when you run into a plateau, if you ever do.

IMO, the best way to break a weight loss plateau is to UP your workout, for example do HIIT training to get your metabolism kick started again. Your metabolism/body/brain will adapt to your workout regime and it will stop you from losing weight. Sweat more and get your heart rate higher. Good luck to you.