Double Leg Stretch with the Pilatesband


New member
by explosion: link Lie on your back on the exercise mat or the floor. Bring your knees up to the table top position (knees bent to 90 degrees, feet off the floor). Put your hands in the pockets of the Pilates band, so that when your arms are outstretched, your hands are about shoulder width apart. Lift your upper body slightly off the floor, keeping your chin tucked toward your chest.

Exhale and extend your legs toward the far wall while extending your arms overhead. Keep your navel pulled toward your spine and pull your shoulder blades down toward your buttocks. Only extend your legs as far as you can without your low back lifting. Inhale and bring your arms and legs back to the start position.

Repeat 8-12 times.

Here's one of my favourites

It's called the bridge

The bridge exercsise

This exercsise is a single-leg butt bridge which directly targets the bottom muscles and also will tighten your abs too. So lets get on with the bridge exercsise, remember that it shouldn’t take more the ten minutes to do. And if you don’t feel sore afterwards, then you know it isn’t working and you need to try harder.

Ok so what you need to do here, is to lay on your back and with your legs bent, make sure your left foot is flat on the floor with your right raised. This is your starting postion. Now push through the heel of your left foot and lift your hips and your bum as high as you can. Now pause here for at least 2 or 3 seconds before you lower your bottom back to the floor. Repeat this for 13 reps on each leg.