dont take steriods

Many people only consider the side effects of steriods but never the cost to maintian it. Not only is it bad but expensive. Here is a link that shows how much it costs to take steriods.

So dont take it!
Yep, many possible negative effects from steroid use, even when they are used intelligently.

Don't mess with them unless you've studied them so much you could have a PhD.
they can be done responsibly and if done correctly can really be effective. Course , theres no subsitute for proper diet and training....except maybe test'e & dbol :)
If i were fking huge, i would like to look at myself in the mirror telling myself "I did this, im damn good"
If i were on steroids, i wouldnt be able to do that, and according to that post.. i wouldnt even have a mirror :D
I would never condone the use of roids, but that post is BS.
he built the cost from food, supps and gym membership thats got nothing to do with juice cos most of us have that anyway.
Oh man that's funny stuff.