Dont be a SKINNY FAT!


New member
Why are so many of you weightloss fanatics? Do you realize that scale weight can also be water weight or muscle. You dont want to lose that precious muscle because that's part of your metabolism. The more muscle you have the more you can eat because you burn more calories daily. Juice fasts? All your gonna do is lose muscle and water weight and perhaps a big of actual fat. Slim fast? Full of sugar. A better supplement would be a protein shake like Muscle Milk. It would also be wiser to start lifting weights and increasing them every week. (you must get sore in order to build other wise no soreness in the muscle is a plateau). The more cardio you do the less muscle you will have. It's very easy to "burn" muscle, and muscle can not build if you 1) don't eat "one gram of protein per body pound and 2) rest the muscle.

Here's a great little quote from a fellow friend from Body

Many people have asked me at work why I eat chicken and tuna :) all the time if I am not trying to lose any weight…. here’s why….
It is VERY possible to lose weight eating crappy unhealthy food, or even maintain your weight while eating crap. I can start dining at Dunkin Donuts every morning, then stop at McDonalds for lunch and pizza for dinner and still lose some weight, as long as I am burning more than I consume …… However,…it is very possible to maintain a certain scale number and actually look like total shit. ( you can be skinny and have HIGH bodyfat= skinny fat)
Scale weight tells you a few things…. If you are overweight, the scale will tell you,…. if you are underweight, the scale will tell you…Will the scale tell you if you look good ? NO . Does your body look nice because you ring up a certain number on the scale? NO.

Eating properly changes your body composition and makes you look better. How strict should you be about not eating crap? It depends on the look you want and how much sacrifice you are willing to make, everyone is different. If you want to be a certain weight and wear a certain size clothing, and you don’t mind having cellulite….,belly rolls, and hanging flab…. eat all the crap you want while maintaining your special number on the scale. Throw some liquor into the mix and sit back and watch the cellulite spread…..still while maintaining that scale number.

If you want visible muscle and a lean looking body, staying away from the crap and eating properly is what makes the difference… regardless of how great you do your workouts.
Some people become so fixated on the scale and getting a ‘magic’ number to settle on for a goal. That is such a small part of the picture.
My grandmother used to make sure she always weighed her ‘certain’ special number throughout her entire life. But what she didn’t seem to realize was that without exercising and eating properly, (although she kept maintaining that number), she had 6 inches of hanging flab swinging on the backs of her arms and she always looked 9 months pregnant. It didn’t have to be that way, it’s just a matter of exercising regularly and eating the right food. She was attempting to ‘watch her weight’, but she had it all wrong.
My body composition has been all over the map over the past 20 years, from skinny, to skinny fat, to lean, and then lean and muscular… all within a small margin of weight change on the scale. "
Very helpful post. Good reminder about the "number on the scale". I seriously want to destroy my scale at home, but my spouse's head would explode. It ain't about the weight, its how you look and feel.

So the soreness thing, you gotta be sore to build muscle, but how sore, and how long after do you rest? When i've been really sore, I quit lifting for several days because of the pain, sometimes. What do you recommend?
Quite a diatribe for your 7th post LOL. Okie dokie then.

Trust me, you can eat crappy foods and lift weights and still look pretty toned, depending on your age, genetics and other factors.
Do you realize that scale weight can also be water weight or muscle. You dont want to lose that precious muscle because that's part of your metabolism.

Actually, if you think about it, scale weight is your skin and everything inside the package.

Bone, muscle, fat, organs, ligaments, blood, etc. etc.

So when you talk about "losing weight", what is the only thing on that list that you really can afford to lose?
organs are overrated... don't need 'em...

Appendix -just takes up space
Kidneys -you really only need one..
Blood - eh -everyone should donate regularly -just donate more often

This weight loss thing is easy :D
organs are overrated... don't need 'em...

Appendix -just takes up space
Kidneys -you really only need one..
Blood - eh -everyone should donate regularly -just donate more often

This weight loss thing is easy :D

LOL :iagree: