Does time seem to slip away faster the older you get?

I'm sitting here in my bedroom and I suddenly realised something it's June 24th. Where the hell did this month go? Lately time has seemed to fly by. Last time I checked it was 2005. Does it feel like time gos by faster and faster as you get older or something?
yeah, though its just logical :p

When your 100 days old, 10 days is 10% of your life. So 10 days is a long time for you. When your 100 years old, 10 years is 10% of your life. See what im getting at? :p
lol never mind this month has gone quick,

The whole of 2007 has flown by so far!

Lets hope summer goes verrrrrryyyy slowly......

see what I did there, putting 'very' as 'verrrrrryyyy' to emphasise the, if you like, 'slowness'

clever huh...
You graduate high school, and before you know it, it's your 10th reunion. Yeah it def goes faster as you get older, but it's just like Karky says. Remember how long and boring summer vacation could seem as a kid?? Now summer seems to barely get started and then the leaves are dropping off the trees!
Does it feel like time gos by faster and faster as you get older or something?

This is so true...this morning I got up and I was 39. Now I'm...okay, well I'm still 39.

Nah...time doesn't go faster. We just seem to fill it up with more and more activities. Enjoy the relative simplicity of your youth. It may not seem simple now, but soon enough you'll be juggling a full time job/career, family, mortgage, etc. and the idea of a summer vacation will be skewed in to "what am I gonna do with the kids now that school's out" and, uh, how much is *that* gonna cost me.

IMHO, if you do it right, you fill your life to the brim with all the stuff you can. May make time seem to go faster, but what a ride.
Nice couplet there PB. Well I've had an eventfully slow afternoon. I have exams Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, nothing serious, just end of years. I know I'll ace them all apart from Maths and French. Sounds simple atm...

What starts to complicate things is the fact that I'm going to Wimbledon on Monday with friends. So no revision that day. Kind of simple still, revise now yes?

Well then the problem occurs that I had, and have english coursework. For a start, I had to write a story yesterday, then today did a presentation for a speaking and listening, thinking I would have time for revision, but somehow I lost the work and had to redo it, took around 1 hour. So that's great, but now I have an essay between 1200 and 2200 words to write, final draft, the only coursework I haven't done this year, and I need to do it, normally for tomorrow but I'll get away with doing it next weekend and handing it in next monday, because that will be the next english lesson I have. But I want it out the way.

So now its 6.57pm. I need to both revise, and do coursework, realistically I should just revise and do the coursework on friday, sat and sunday. But I want it out the way. I don't even know if maths revision would make a difference. Tie in a relationship problem and I have myself a pretty stressful predicament, which feels like a knot I need to untie. See what I mean? Things build up, but time seems to fly. Big problem. Btw, anyone got any ideas about what I should do about this? I might just take my maths books to wimbledon and actually do some revision.
Yes it does feel that way!!! I agree with Karky 100%.

You are talking about months. Wait until the years start flying by!!!
I hear ya jman, 3 weeks until football camp, then it officialy starts august 13 and i get a bum knee. I wish i had started working out right after last season ended. But it is what it is. Just gotta make these last workouts count.
Jake how long does your camp last? Here in the UK there are no 'summer camps' as it were. You can do 'courses' like 10-3 etc. But no camp where you go sleep etc. Suppose there just isn't enough time in our 6 week holidays.
Yea its not like a sleep there kind of camp. It runs from July 9-12, starts at 8 in the morning, and ends at 4 in the afternoon. Its one of the toughest but funnest things ive ever done.
Well in the UK, it started, in April, ended late May :( Now we're just getting rained on, waiting for our proper summer to come back...
Minutes drag by, years fly by. It doesn't depress me. I don't understand this obsession with youth

Not thinking about youth. Thinking more about moments in life.