Does This Video Game Make My Butt Look Fat


New member
How much more weight will you gain if you play video games all day.Well if you believe a resent Japanese study that just came out it’s 6 kilograms (13.2 lbs.).
Not a bit obvious ? If you play video games all day you don't move ;)
Besides, I like video games :(
I wonder if the internet caused me to gain weight... Got internet, started college, gained weight. I blame the computer! Good way to not take self responsibility on my part ;).

I just wish parents wouldn't allow their kids to spend so much time on video games at young ages. If we encourage them to do other things, then when they're 14, 15 ish, they wont have such a desire to sit there and veg in front of a screen all day (and a little 13 inch TV wouldn't hurt to discourage video game use either).