Does running help with toning your stomach?

Hey, I've lost about 48 pounds in the last 6 months, mainly with walk/jogs. Now I'm doing 5 miles in 50 minutes 4 days a week and strength training 3 days a week for the same time. I was wondering, is that enough, because even though I have lost that weight, I can't lose the fat off my stomach :confused: . It just flabs there.. flab flab...yes... So can anyone help me with this, Should I run more to lose fat, or tone up more with V-ups, crunches, legraises and such?

Oh and one more thing, about running, I run with a cd player in one hand, does that make any difference to whats being worked or toned with respect to muscles?
First off, everyone has a perfect six-pack, only with most people its covered by fat. The easist way to show your great stomach muscles is just to loose weight. So your on the right track with that, you'll proberly be having trouble loosing weight around the mid- section because of your body type - stick with it, make sure your eating right and you'll be right. Of course doing crunches/sit-ups will help, but not required.

Running with a cd player tends to throw the body off alignment. You might be running off-centre, which will cause your body to build muscle to compensate - which in turn will put your posture off. A better option would be a mp3 player in the back pocket, or better yet don't listen to music and just enjoy the run.
not to point fingers, but does no one in the world know the difference between loose and lose? Loose is like when you wear baggy clothes or when a screw comes loose. Lose is when you take away or don't have something anymore. Again, no offense to anyone specific, but come on people. And to answer your question, I hate to advertise stuff, but the ab Lounge works very well. I actually feel my abs work each time. I think the machine even comes with workout ideas too.
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JM (MJ - Backwards??), I think JEZ meant to say that if TLK doesn't lose fat, his stomach will remain loose.


sorry about my writting

Hi, english is not my mother language so you have to forgive my writting skills.
I ´m in a weight loosing process, and I think the diet is 70% & workout 30%.
For a while I took off the salt, oils, vineager, and conservants and can tell my abs did look different.
I´m a woman, six pack is difficult for me, but they started showing.
Good luck.
The problem is you can't spot reduce fat. So, yes it looks like you're not losing any fat around your stomach, you are...but you are losing it everywhere else, too.

I wouldn't do anymore cardio at all if I were you, in fact I think you're way overdoing the cardio. And no amount of cruches, V-ups, or lounge chair movements you do is going to do anything for your six-pack until you lose the fat. Remember, you didn't gain it in a day, you can't lose it in a day.

I didn't see what your dietary intake looks like, but here's a great site to get some tips from: