Sport Does maintaining diet and proper exercise is enough?

Sport Fitness
I have a balance diet, having regular exercise, and taking vitamins regularly, does this means that I'm healthy? and I have nothing to worry? or should I consider to have a health insurance? I insist that having all these routines are enough.
What do you think do I still have to buy an insurance for me? Or should I be contented on what I am doing and regular visit to my doctor?
Eating a balance diet, exercising regularly and taking vitamine suppliments are great for maintaining health especially long term. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle lowers your risk of heart disease, cancer, and chronic ailments. A healthy lifestyle helps boost your immune system to protect against getting ill as well as helping your body recover faster when you do get ill. However, it does not mean you will never get sick, and never getting sick does not necessisarily mean you are healthy. I will stop at this point as to avoid getting on a soapbox about oh so many health related topics! But to answer your direct question directly, you should have some sort of health insurance.
thnks to both of you. I am still maintaining my balance diet in order to maintain may healthy body. Are you doing same routines as i am doing everyday?
I might be flamed for this, but if you eat healthy (the REAL healthy, not what most of America considers healthy), exercise regularly, and take a multivitamin, then you don't even need to see a doctor unless you notice something seriously wrong. My personal experience with doctors is that they overprescribe medicine for something that can be easily prevented through the integration of healthy habits.

I used to get sick a lot with colds and what not, and my mother would make me an appointment to "check things out" and I would always get an antibiotic prescribed for me "in case it was an infection", and it would only end up making me feel drowsy for the next week or two. Now that I have adopted a healthy lifestyle, I've been sick once in one year and I got over it in three days. Also, a couple years ago I was prescribed Accutane for acne, and all it *seems* to have managed to do is mess with my hormones.. I think if the doctor would have just told me to stop drinking soda, stop eating fat-laden foods, and eating a clean diet, the acne would have just subsided on its own with the help of topical cleansers (which it has).

I'll step off of the soap box now.. I hope I'm not taking too radical of a viewpoint! It just bothers me when people say they have a very weak immune system when their diet consists of Skittles and potato chips. "You are what you eat" comes into mind.

This isn't to say you shouldn't have health insurance, what if you break your leg or get into a car accident?
kevbo --

You said what I was thinking. In the US people define healthy by how often they get sick. As in "I know I'm 5'2" and weigh 175 lbs, my diet is cheese burgers and regular soda, I'm on medication for my cholesterol, I have sever asthma and sleep apnea, but I haven't missed a day of work in 5 years. I'm healthy."

Being healthy doesn't mean you will never get sick and being unhealthy doesn't mean you certainly will. Being healthy means your body is better equiped to deal with illness.

I do not have overly fond feelings for doctors as I agree they are inclined to over treat, assuming that the human body in inately falible because that is what they are taught. They are not taught prevention except in very broad terms. Many doctors themselves are unhealthy.

But, as you never know what the future holds, you should have health insurance. You could have a car accident, or injure yourself in some way. Despite your best efforts, you may be stuck in an office next to a sneezy, coughing sick person with an airborne illness and you could get sick because of that. Price the cost of a trip to the ER or urgent care clinic. That alone can make you sick!
I agree with the last few posts. I think it is absolutely absurd to even consider going through life without health insurance. When I was younger, I did not have any, nor did any of my friends. 2 of them died on street bikes, however, each of them lived for a few weeks after their accidents in intensive care. I am sure you can imagine the costs that surmounted.

Don't be insane, living a healthy lifestyle through exercise and nutrition may improve your health, but by no means you will never be injured or be stricken with a serious illness such as cancer.

Get health insurance!
The final argument for having Health Insurance while screaming at your government representative for Insurance Reform....

I was in the hospital 3 weeks ago for an out-patient procedure. The procedure itself took 15 minutes. I was feeling fine by the end of the day, and out on the boat the next evening. I got the bill this morning. The bottom line is I pay nothing because it was a needed procedure and I have good insurance. But the bill was insane! The hospital charged $4600, $350 was anesthesia the rest was "incedentals" (that is exactly how it was listed on the bill, incedentals). The doctor charged $1000. The insurance company paid $850 to the hospital and $350 to the doctor and they all call it good and paid. However if I didn't have insurance, I would be responsible for paying the entire $5,600.
yes you need health insurance!!!!!!!

I am really healthy, eat really good, excercise ALOT, and feel GREAT. I had just gotten health insurance through my job last year, had never had it before, and Im 21 years old. Well, lo and behold, a few months afterwards I was in a pretty nasty car accident which shattered my right hand, and tore my knee up. Guess what my bill was? Over 9,000 dollars! well insurance covered it, but it did see the receipt on my last visit to the specialist. Moral of the story is, if I didnt have insurance, my hand would probably look really funny right now, and I probably wouldnt be able to use it
u should still have health insurance. u never know what can happen to you. it's great to eat healthy and exercise, but we all will get injured or sick sometime or another. better to be safe than sorry.
I didn't have health insurance at my last job, and I ended up breaking my jaw, so I will never be without it again...cuz that really hurt and I never went to the doctors