Weight-Loss Does licorice have caffeine in it?



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I've tried looking this up...my grandma is drinking caffeine-free tea, but her heart has started pounding like it does when she has caffeine. She is wondering if something in it might have a little bit of caffeine in it....Anyone know???
Hmmm? I don't know, I wouldn't think so. I've never thought about it DQ. I'm going to go google it now and see what I can find.
Is she drinking decaf tea or herbal tea? Because I believe, like decaf coffee, decaf tea still has some caffeine in it. Herbal tea is caffeine free.
Excessive licorice consumption - Licorice contains substances known to raise blood pressure, although the exact amount a person would have to consume to have an effect on blood pressure is not fully researched.

So far I've found this...does a rise in blood pressure lead to increased heart rate?
Hmm...I don't think she drinks very much of it...not enough to be considered "excessive". Curious. Thanks for the help!
Chamomile is caffeine free.