Does HIIT 2-3 times/week eliminate need for cardio?

I've heard that if you do HIIT 2-3 times a week, that there's no need to run a longer, slower jog on the off days.

How true is this statement? I'm trying to really burn fat, and I already do HIIT 3 times a week, but was wondering if I should cut out my 2 mile runs on off days.

HIIT is all the cardio you need. period :]

i'd suggest going 90-100% of your heart rate, for 30 seconds, then jog/walk for 60-70% your heart rate. repeat up to 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week is sufficient.

excessive cardio will just cause muscle loss, not only calories :x


losing weight comes with dieting, cardio serves as a helper, in addition to weight resistance.

How much you eat and what you eat is the main factor to weight loss.
Will an HIIT program like above, done 2-3 times a week, help someone run longer distances, or for longer periods of time? Or if you want endurance, do you simply have to do ensurance training? (The reason I ask is because I need to be able to run long distances, but find it boring as hell, and would much rather do HIIT all week than distance running).
Chris.D said:
Will an HIIT program like above, done 2-3 times a week, help someone run longer distances, or for longer periods of time? Or if you want endurance, do you simply have to do ensurance training? (The reason I ask is because I need to be able to run long distances, but find it boring as hell, and would much rather do HIIT all week than distance running).

not really, its really for burning fat. with minimal muscle loss compared to normal cardio.

well, imo, u can try it. of course, if you can run your fastest mile. thats great news :] and builds endurance/speed of course.