Does anyone know?

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Hi i've heard many claims that pure Grapefruit juice is good to drink with meals as it aids in burning fat. I was always under the assumption that fruit drinks even if 100% sugar free, had tons of sugar due to the natural fruit. I have been drinking 2 cups per day and am wondering if I should stop and just stick to water? Any one else heard anything different? Thanks! :p
I don't know. I know that grapeFRUIT is good for you because it has lots of fiber. But I can't say about the juice! Sorry!! There are lots of smart ladies here though. One of em will know!
As far as I know and have always heard, as long as the juice you are drinking is 100% natural and not sweetened Grapefruit juice then its great for you. Its not just good for weight loss also good for fighting off cancer and lots of other things.
there is actually a diet called the grape fruit diet. Lots of bacon and grapefruit/grapefruit juice. The bacon I loved (I ADORE bacon) but I just can't stand grapefruit. Too sour. But a doctor reccomended it for a family friend (and he told us about it) and he lost a lot of weight drinking grapefruit juice. So...why not?
Thanks guys! Puts my mind at ease! Yea i've heard of the bacon and grapefruit diet also, i love bacon and grapefruit! hmmm. lol Have a great weekend! :)
personally, i think grapefruit must be really, really good for you ... anything that tastes that bad must be :D
LOL!! Yep for sure, it's either one of those things you either despise or like!!! :p
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