Does anyone have experience with Herbalife?



A Herbalife rep is coming here tomorrow night to show me how to lose weight with meal substitutes. There are vitamins, powders etc. I think it could work to lose 5 kg and not be damaging. Has anyone done this or have any Herbalife experience?
Anything you cannot do for the rest of your life is not worth doing.

Think about did you get to where you are now? Years of eating the wrong stuff, and not exercising. Years...meaning that was your LIFESTYLE.

If you cannot modify your lifestyle to something more healthy, forever, then you're just wasting time and money. You will yo-yo right back to this point, or worse.

Nothing wrong with taking a vitamin or two, but meal substitutions aren't a lifelong change.
meal substitutions aren't a lifelong change.

Thanx. So wise I'd say. I never trusted diet fads or processed foods and prefer natural. The results are probably based on people's other extremisms at the time.
Don't feel bad. The supplement industry (which ranges from herbalife and advocare to simple vitamins and fish oil caps, all the way to anabolic steroids on the blackmarket) is a multi-billion dollar industry. I think they pull more revenue than the rest of the fitness industry actually (weight equipment, gyms, etc).
I think when the people who market cigarettes get fired, they go to work in the supplement industry's marketing department. If they can convince you to kill yourself at $5 a pack, they can easily get you to buy a bunch of pills 'guaranteed' to make you feel great!

/sidenote: The Crow...awesome film!