Does anyone else have this?

I have what is called patellofemoral pain syndrome. Basically my patella and femor do not alighn correctly and the ligaments try to compensate for it. It is only painful if I sit for long periods of time, such as in class or when I am driving. I was told that I should quit running but I really don't want to.

Has anyone else heard of this or does anyone have it? I would love to know if there were exercises that have worked to strengthen the knee and lesson the pain, and if stopping running really is a good idea.

If is is common then somone else has to have this right?? It is also much more common in females than males, due to our wider hips.
did a doctor tell you to stop running? If so, stop. There are plenty of other fun exercises that will meet or surpass your running expectations.

Leg extensions have greatly strengthened my knees and helped me get past joint problems, but this may not help in your case.

If you haven't consulted a physician, I would ASAP. Don't risk permanent damage.

Grace, did you go to a doctor that specializes in sports related injuries or that knows about running? A lot of doctors use the "stop running" reasoning because they don't really understand the mechanics of running. The solution to your problem could be as simple as orthotics or a problem in your stride. I would consult with a doctor that specializes in these type of injuries and preferrably one that runs. Don't give up something you love so easily. Good luck and let us know how you do. - Jorge
Thanks Jorge. I saw an orthopedic specialist, however, he was kind of wishy washy about the whole stop running thing. He mainly told me to stop because my pain is more intense following the days I run. He did not seem to know if running would cause more damage. He didn't offer me any solutions other than that I should have a Phsyical therapy consult, which I have not done yet. I was hoping to find someone else who might be familiar with this to find out how they have dealt with it. I have since cut back on my running but have not stopped it all together. is a great article about what's going on with your lists exercises you can do to strengthen your knee so you can be running again. And as mentioned above if it is a structural issue then you may want to consider orthotics. Like I said....this is a great article....
physiquedocteur said: is a great article about what's going on with your lists exercises you can do to strengthen your knee so you can be running again. And as mentioned above if it is a structural issue then you may want to consider orthotics. Like I said....this is a great article....

Great link! I have suffered from knee injury called bursitis but the symptoms sound similar to whats diecribed on the link. I have started with squats, lunges and dead lifts and I must day, they have helped. Its the running that really does my knees in especially when I try to run when I'm tired it really doesn't help. Thanks for the link great article. I have started doing leg extension but it does hurt my knees slightly so I have started only doing about 6 reps 2 sets at very very low weight which is strange for me when I'm used to doing heavy weights and more reps. Anyway we have to start somewhere don't we.