Does anyone else have fatigue and arthritis?


New member
This has really impaired my exercise in the past, the pain can be unbearable. Once it was so bad I couldn't walk. Does anyone else struggle with this? How did you work through it? Any tips, advice or help? Thanks!
I do. I have it in the hips. Caused by Avascular necrosis. When I got it 16 years ago and I got so inactive. I just ballooned. I have been on a good diet for a month and a half but trying to find ways to exercise has been quite the issue. Every time I come up with something. It works out for a few days then I can hardly walk for the rest of the week. I am getting frustrated. I am thinking about joining a gym and maybe get some help from professionals. But right now money is tight and I work so many hours. I come home just blown out. I am just not sure what I am going to do.
don't have it thankfully! however my mother this, flaxseed oil, cal/magnuism is supposed to be great for arthititis, helps alievate it so may want to give it a shot, and ofcourse eating fresh fruits that are low gi, fresh veggies and upping your protein intake will help curb fatigue to some extent in conjunction with vitamins and other supplements
I have arthritis and fatigue, despite being "too young" (25), I have osteoarthritis, just about everywhere, though it's worse in my lower back, my neck, hips, knees, and wrists. The night before a rain or snow storm I can hardly sleep, as the pain flares up in every joint. Working normal hours, keeping up with my peers just walking around a mall or going to a park has proved difficult for me for about six years now. I went walking with some friends for a few hours one day and couldn't walk the next day, literally, my husband had to help me up and walk around for two days before my legs wouldnt go limp.

I have found relief from a few things, I'll list them all and hopefully won't bore everyone to tears!

One thing I notice that has helped a lot recently, is when I force myself to do yoga on an almost daily basis. Very low impact, if any postures make me shake or strain my joints I come out, after a month of being very good about doing yoga everyday (in the beginning I started very small, I was doing video tape sets and I'd spend most of my time sitting down watching and holding poses for only a tenth of the time I am now holding the same poses.) I now have less overall joint pain.

Along with the yoga, I use a collagen cream on my joints (and skin, but that's for cosmetic purposes, focus on joints for pain) and using the collagen containing creme (lotion, rub, ect.) has been the miracle difference in my attempt to continue doing yoga this time, opposed to before when I would work out very little and would be so sore the next few days. I use the collagen creme as soon as I've dried off from the after-workout shower (or even right after the workout if I didn't sweat too much)

Also I would recommend either taking a collagen supplement as well (Solgar's #7 is a product that I take that really reduces the pain of my arthritis, it contains 7 natural ingredients, one of them being a form of collagen) Or a hyaluronic acid suppliment. And, someone mentioned earlier about flaxseed oil, I personally take fish oil, they both are for omegas and can have similar results, (I take Solgar's Full Spectrum Omega, it contains the 3,6,9 that we are all used to seeing, but it also contains 5 and 7, and I find this one works best for me, compared to some other fish oil suppliments that I've tried, plus, I like that there is NO fishy burps at all with the Solgar one)

As far as the fatigue goes, I found that after a month of low impact yoga has really helped my fatigue levels as well, I sleep better during nights after a nice yoga routine, though that took a month. For shorter relief from fatigue I would go with something like a electrolyte drink (Not gatorade, I'd recommend a natural alternative, Coconut water is my absolute favorite natural beverage, it has more potassium than a banana and I say it's nature's gatorade, without the added chemicals) There are a lot of brands of coconut water out there and to be honest I haven't found two that taste the same. Some are awful and taste like wheaties, others are delicious and taste like coconut cake. There are also ones that add different flavors, pineapple flavored coconut water is my favorite.

I would also strongly recommend, if you haven't already, reducing or completely avoiding soda. Soda is one of the biggest contributing factors to why I even have arthritis at such a young age, you pay with calcium everytime you drink soda. It's awful for your teeth and it's just as bad for your bones. I am not a scientist and I do not recall exactly what ingredient is in the soda that I was warned about, that depletes your body's calcium. I wish someone told me that when I was going to school and always chose to get a coke from the vending machine instead of water or fruit juice or tea.

when I first began doing yoga everyday when possible, the first few days were rough, I remembered working out as a teenager, and my muscles would get sore, and I liked that feeling of a good workout, and I cried the first day I did yoga because not one of my body's muscles were sore, but every single joint ached. I didn't push myself, I didn't keep going until my muscles were sore, and after a month of working out I still have not lost any weight yet- but I can work out and get my muscles sore, and my joints are definitely not aching as much as they did before. (and I may not have lost weight because I have gained muscle, I have slimmed down a little, not a whole dress size or anything too impressive, but the real success is in the decreased levels of pain. Still, the snow storm that my area got the other day kept me up all night in pain. But it sure as hell beats everynight!)

I don't want to get too wordy. Hope some of this helps!