Sport Does anyone eat hummus?

Sport Fitness
As long as the fat found in hoummus is a part of your micronutrient breakdown it should be fine.
This means that hoummus is quite high in fat as it's mad with lot's of olive oil. It's good fat, but still too much of it is not good.

When you worked out how much fat you need to be eating per day (taking into account your goals) Say you decide that 20% of your calories should come from fat. Make sure that by eating a tub of hoummus you don't consume your daily allowance or more than that.
If you make your own hummus you don't have to worry about hidden fat content. Look up some light recipes. Sometimes I just whip chic peas up and add some seasonings and use it as a faux hummus. It's just as yummy.
haha. when I first glanced at the title of this thread I thought it said "does anyone eat HUMANS" haha
yes, I just found hummus, its great.