Sport does a binge do any harm?

Sport Fitness
Its a curiosity question. I would like to know if its bad and if it makes any outward apperance after like two days of eating non stop. if so how long would it take to be back on track to a healthy weight and eating?
Well of course it affects you in some way.. although it's something different if you live healthy for a month and only binge once during. Some even claim a cheat meal every once in a while is helpful.
You can get back on track immediately.
of course it matters. say you're on a cutting 500 calories below maintenance every day. So all week long you total a cutback of 2,500 calories.
Then on saturday, in addition to your normal 'clean diet' you decide to binge and eat a half a medium pizza, and 6 cans of beer. That's like 1900 calories if its Pizza Hut, thick crust, and non-Light beer.

if you then drink 2 cans of soda on sunday, and have pork sausage with breakfast, you've obliterated the calorie deficit you created all week, in just two meals...that some wouldn't even consider 'binging'.

No it wouldn't be devastating. Likewise: if you don't eat for a day, would you lose all your fat? No. Your body's good at homeostasis, avoiding change. However, if you keep it up for a few days (be it dieting or binging), it will affect you. Of course, I'm not suggesting you binge. But if it happens, don't sweat it.
No i don't think "two days of non-stop eating" is good for anyone and will certainly affect your diet. Just like malkore said if you are trying to lose fat then that overall total of calories lost is important. There is a difference between binging and having a cheat. A cheat can be okay but binging (. A period of unrestrained, immoderate self-indulgence) well that a sign of an eating disorder.
the body works based on trends in the diet. if you frequently 'radically' alter calorie intake, the body doesn't keep its rhythm.