Doctors reactions?


New member

I went in for a physical today, and the doctor wanted to know if i recently lost or gained weight,
When i told them how much i lost they flipped and were saying how amazing that was and how proud they were of me. It was amazing since i havent been in there forever:coolgleamA:
I went to a new doctor recently and I know he was about to start lecturing me about my weight and how i needed to lose 40-50lbs... i cut him off very politely and told him that I'd lost xxx amount... his respnse was - holy shit (i personally don't find the number holy or shir worthy - it's just what is) .. .then he apologized and quizzed me for about 30 minutes on how.. as he took notes...
My Doc was very blunt with me when I was at my biggest, and it was nice to see a genuinely happy response to my weight loss.

Its nice when anyone notices, but I never figured my Doctor would be as happy as he was!!!

Cant see my dentist being so happy...hate dentists...grumble

Haven't seen the doc yet who sent me to the ER for my high blood pressure. She probably won't notice; shit like that always happens to me.
I'm suprised your doctors don't keep records of your weight. That seems odd to me that you would have to inform them.

Anyway, recently I went to my doctor and she was shocked at my weight loss. I think she said "How the heck did you do it?". Basically I said, "Starved myself." She said this time last year I was at 252. Also, she took me off my high triglyceride(sp, but I don't really give a flip since I don't have top worry about it anymore) medication so that was a plus.

I even got my blood work back recently and everything went down an incredible amount and the good stuff went up. That was a pretty good confidence booster and she also said to the other doctors "Does anyone know a normal girl we can fix this guy up with?". She's a pretty cool doc.

All in all a pretty good doctor visit and they are few and far between.
Last time I went I was around 265 or 270 I believe, now I'm about 225 and I'm not sure when I'll be in next but I can't wait to see his reaction. When I was up at 300 he always said that I should try to lose a few pounds, not to mention at 300 my BP was 160/100 so I had to start losing weight or get on medication... I chose to lose weight.

It'll be fun.. won't really make a huge difference considering everyone else's reactions to me as of late, but it'll be nice :)
I went to a new recently because of a sinus infection, and she actually lectured me about losing weight, saying I was doing it too that point I had lost 25 pounds in 2 months and 10 of it was water weight...when I told her that, she was fine, and comended me on doing such a good job...I'm looking foreward to going to my neurologist soon...last time i was in there, i was in the upper 180s and now i'm 155, so i wanna see how the nurse reacts (she's an evil witch, and gives me evil glares for being there, because its a children's office, and i'm not old enough to go to an adult neurologist)
My nurse was a bitch about it, before and after. My doc was cool though, and even took notes! *lol*

Unfortunately, now that I'm losing the weight, I've got more health problems than I had before...but hopefully that's just my body adjusting to the weight loss and all, because I'll be seriously peed off if I'm stuck with that forever!
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