Do you post on any other forums?


New member
I am a message board junkie, I admit it. LOL
Do any of you post on any other message boards?

Right now I just post on one other one besides this one. It's my mommy-board. I've been posting there for 3 1/2 years. But I've posted on several others in the past, mostly mommy boards, but a few other ones. This is the first weight loss board I have joined.

How about you?
I post on a ton... most of them fitness related.
I post on a board that was initially for homeschooling moms but I signed up because I knew a lot of the ladies from another board. We have a weight loss forum and I'm a part of that group. I was a part of a "Christian" board with women who mostly know each other IRL. I left this month after they kicked off some other members and were about to sink their teeth into me for my alleged sin against God (their words, not mine). I had a weight loss group there too. Actually, there were two. One for support, one for money. I was only a part of the supportive group. I'm also a member of a "Hippie Chistian" board. I don't post often but I do post in the fitness section. And I lurke on the JP Fitness Forums. Oh, and I have another women only board but its not very busy so I only check it once a month. Before I pulled my head out of my butt I was a member of three eating disorder message boards for years. So um, yeah, I'm a message board junkie too I guess. :smilielol5:
there's a few that I post on - some health related, some general interest, some politics but - but I've gotten rather jaded - it's the same people having the same arguments in the same places -under different screen names :)
I post on gaming forums, I still circulate a pokemon message board I registered in 2000 at the age of 11. Now it's just full of members reminiscing, we never talk about pokemon at all. Haha.
I post on an NFL board. Right now I'm in the middle of a smak-talking contest. It involves ripping on the other person's football team and ripping on them as a person. Pretty fun, though quite mean.
I post on a lot but the 2 I post on as much as this are and (I like to help people starting out on guitar).

ToolArmy the Tool official fan club and a local music forum. That's about it really. I don't get around much!

Maybe we should take over?! I've always found that there are Tool fans everywhere, but that they're not always that visible. Maybe this will be a chance for any out there that happen to read this to come out and say hello!
I am a forum junkie as well!!

I post on 2 dog lover forums, a rat lover forum, an all pet lover forum, a vegetarian forum...and on and off some more pet related forums.

Mainly my life revolves around my critters. :)
I post on the Met's Board, some Political boards, Television Without Pity and Brewing forums.

Also I love Tool \m/
Hi I post on this site, one job related site, and one on money matters. Anymore and I'd never get any work done.